Trump Says He Is Going To Show The American People Love By Taking Away Their Healthcare

Trump proclaimed his love for the American people which is why he and Republicans are going to pass a bill that provides less coverage for more money and takes away health care from 22 million people.


Trump said:

Well, I thought I’d ask you folks to come say hello, and we’ll discuss healthcare. We have really no choice but to solve this situation. Obamacare is a total disaster.

It’s melting down as we speak. Rates are going up. In fact, it’s very interesting, Lisa, that you’re sitting next to me because, in Alaska, it was 206 percent — a 206 percent increase in Alaska. And I used to use Arizona as the standard; that was 116 percent. So it’s really meltdown, and we’re going to try and solve the problem.

So I invited all of you, and I think we have either 52 out of 52, or 50 out of 52. And John, either one is pretty good, I think, as a percentage.

So we’re going to talk and we’re going to see what we can do. We’re getting very close. But for the country, we have to have healthcare. And it can’t be Obamacare, which is melting down. The other side is saying all sorts of things before they even knew what the bill was. This will be great if we get it done. And if we don’t get it done, it’s just going to be something that we’re not going to like. And that’s okay, and I understand that very well.

But I think we have a chance to do something very, very important for the public — very, very important for the people of our country that we love.

One doesn’t express love by throwing people off of health insurance to give a tax cut to billionaires, but the Americans that Trump and the Republicans love are the billionaires. Trump was correct. If Republicans pass this bill, it will be historic. It will be a historic act of cruelty that will define and haunt the Republican Party in elections for years to come.

This healthcare bill is a lot of things, but loving is definitely not one of them.

Jason Easley
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