Instead Of Defending Trump, His Lawyer Might Have Gotten Him Impeached

Trump’s lawyer Marc Kasowitz made the situation worse for the President by flat out lying and threatening James Comey with prosecution.

Video of Trump’s lawyer:

Here is the statement from Trump’s lawyer:

Kasowitz’s statement contained several factual errors and flat out false statements. The area that might get the President in even more trouble was when he claimed that Comey is a leaker who could be prosecuted.

Legal experts say that Comey didn’t break any laws, and thus was not a criminal leaker:

The bigger problem is this:

Threatening a witness with prosecution is at best witness intimidation, at worst, it is a presidential abuse of power. Either way, the man who was supposed to defend Trump may have added to the tally of offenses that this president has committed that could be impeachable.

Trump couldn’t get a top flight law firm to represent him, and the lawyer he has just made things a lot worse.

Jason Easley
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