Former UK Ambassador To The US Says Trump Makes Him Puke

While retweeting an article about Trump doing the opposite of calling for unity after the London Bridge attack, former UK ambassador to the US Christopher Meyer added, “Trump makes me puke.”

Meyer tweeted:

What Meyer was reacting to were Trump’s tweets that pushed an agenda of bigotry and fear over unity.

Trump first tried to exploit the incident for political gain at home , and then he attacked the mayor of London:

While the rest of the world has united in opposition to terrorism, Donald Trump has gone golfing.

The President’s response to the third terror attack in three months on England was to hit the links for a day of golf at one of his clubs. Trump isn’t leading the world. He’s rejecting it, and in the process destroying the standing of the United States of America.

Ambassador Meyer is the only one who wants to puke. When the 58% of Americans who disapprove of Trump also think of this president, they too want to puke over the damage he is doing to our great country.

Jason Easley
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