Trump Trolls London As His Administration Is Completely Unprepared For A Disaster

President Trump’s attempts to show off his national security prowess by trolling our allies after a terrorist attack backfired big league Sunday morning, prompting journalists to point out that Trump is not prepared for a disaster.

“Amid Trump tweets, notable there is no FBI Director; no US Ambassador to London; and the State Department is missing leaders at all levels,” Robert Moore, an ITV News Washington correspondent, noted.

After the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, the Acting Director of the FBI is Andrew G. McCabe, who is the Deputy Director of the FBI. Trump nominated billionaire New York Jets owner Woody Johnson as the Ambassador to Britain, but he has yet to be confirmed. Johnson, a top Republican donor, is also a Johnson & Johnson heir.

The State Department is facing an assault from all sides, from being ignored by Trump to defunding and a Bannon-led “destruction of the administrative state.”

The Atlantic reported:

“With the State Department demonstratively shut out of meetings with foreign leaders, key State posts left unfilled, and the White House not soliciting many department staffers for their policy advice, there is little left to do. “If I left before 10 p.m., that was a good day,” said the State staffer of the old days, which used to start at 6:30 in the morning. “Now, I come in at 9, 9:15, and leave by 5:30.” The seeming hostility from the White House, the decades of American foreign-policy tradition being turned on its head, and the days of listlessness are taking a toll on people who are used to channeling their ambition and idealism into the detail-oriented, highly regimented busywork that greases the infinite wheels of a massive bureaucracy. Without it, anxiety has spiked. People aren’t sleeping well. Over a long impromptu lunch one afternoon—“I can meet tomorrow or today, whenever! Do you want to meet right now?”—the staffer told me she too has trouble sleeping now, kept awake by her worries about her job and America’s fading role in the world.”

Vera Bergengruen‏, a national correspondent covering national security for McClatchy DC added:

Trump used the terrorist attack to hit the first Muslim mayor of a major western capital and generally troll the world as he posed as a national security expert, writing, “We must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people. If we don’t get smart it will only get worse.”

No one is stopping Donald Trump from “getting down the security for our people” but Donald Trump. His “travel ban” is nonsense, and won’t do anything to protect Americans. In fact, experts argue that it would make us less safe and endanger our troops. “President Trump’s executive order curtailing immigration ‘could do long-term damage’ to the United States’ national security and foreign policy interests, endangering troops and intelligence agents and disrupting efforts to prevent terror attacks, 10 former senior U.S. diplomats and security officials asserted Monday in a court document.”

What might help is actually having a functioning government, competent people in place who were given the resources to do their jobs, and some basic understanding of the function and purpose of government.

Instead, Donald Trump, the Leaker-in-Chief who gave the Russians highly classified details from an ally about an ISIS plot while they were in the Oval office visiting with him, the man who fired the FBI Director who was investigating Trump for possible collusion with Russia, is posing as the Big Man who can Fix This.

I’d love to be able to tell you that while I don’t agree with Donald Trump on many things, he is competent. But he is not. Worse yet, incompetent leaders prone to breeding chaos and in-fighting do not usually appoint people for their skills. They pick people who won’t show them up, people who will worship them first and foremost. So the incompetence trickles down, hard and fast.

There’s no one at the helm of our country.

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Sarah Jones

Listen to Sarah on the PoliticusUSA Pod on The Daily newsletter podcast here. Sarah has been credentialed to cover President Barack Obama, then VP Joe Biden, 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and exclusively interviewed Speaker Nancy Pelosi multiple times and exclusively covered her first home appearance after the first impeachment of then President Donald Trump. Sarah is two-time Telly award winning video producer and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists. Connect with Sarah on Post,  Mastodon @PoliticusSarah@Journa.Host, & Twitter.

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