Malcolm Nance Schools Trump That Tweeting After London Attacks Completely Delights ISIS

Intelligence expert Malcolm Nance warned that Trump tweeting in the wake of the brutal terrorist attack in London that killed 7 people and wounded at least 48 “completely delights ISIS.”

“None of this is productive, none of this will keep us safe,” Nance warned on MBNBC’s AM Joy, hosted by Joy Reid.

“As a former member of the US intelligence community, I’ve dedicated my entire live to trying to bring rational thought and facts to the debate so that we can be more efficient in defeating our enemies,” Nance said. “Right now we are going to be fueling our enemies, every one of these tweets encourages ISIS. Every one of these negative statements and ignoring the Muslim world, 1.6 billion people, completely delights ISIS.”

Trump spent last night and this morning using the attack for political purposes to try to justify his “travel ban” that bans Muslims, and attacking the Muslim Mayor of London over words Trump took out of context (irony or destiny?).

While there is room for an ideological debate about what method best stops terrorism, there isn’t room for the ind of behavior Trump exhibited this morning and last night. Any Republican who tries to justify the complete lack of even basic diplomacy isn’t being honest, because there are few Republicans who would behave this way. They might agree with Trump on his Muslim ban, but they understand that we need our allies and they understand the role of the U.S. in the world is to be a leader, not a troll.

Image: Malcolm Nance on MSNBC’s AM Joy, screen cap

Sarah Jones
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