Trump Demands Muslims Be Banned From US Before He Knows Who Was Behind London Bridge Attack

Donald Trump gave the US a peek into how he would handle a terrorist attack by responding to the London Bridge attack with a demand for his Muslim ban before he knew who carried out the London attack.

Trump tweeted:

The President Of The United States doesn’t know who carried out the attack that began at London Bridge, but he assumed it was Muslims and argued for his Muslim ban. Trump’s tweet demonstrates why the White House has consistently lost the argument that their “travel ban” is not a Muslim ban. Trump also assumed that the attackers were foreign Muslims and not domestic terrorists. Trump ban would do nothing to prevent homegrown terrorism.

If or when an attack happens in the United States, this is the kind of reaction that people can expect from Donald Trump. Trump made an assumption without information that is likely to be proven false on some level, but he is so eager to discriminate against Muslims that he doesn’t care one bit about the facts.

America is not safe with Trump as president.

Jason Easley
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