NBC Refuses To Report On Trump London Bridge Tweet Because It May Contain False Info

NBC News refused to report on a retweet from Donald Trump of a Drudge story because it contains unconfirmed information.

Donald Trump retweeted:

Trump then tweeted a plea for his travel ban as a tool to fight terrorism:

NBC News refused to report on Trump’s tweet because the information was not confirmed:

The White House has at the time of publication not released an official statement on the London Bridge incidents, but Trump’s retweet of Drudge was irresponsible because the President Of The United States should not be tweeting unconfirmed information.

This is what the presidency has come to.

The press can’t report on what Trump tweets, because the accuracy of the information can’t be trusted.

Trump has so little credibility that the media isn’t trusting his retweets and tweets.

UPDATE: NBC NEWS reported on Trump’s tweets apparently because they are the only White House reaction, a few hours after they were posted. This confirms that NBC refused to run Trump’s tweets before the info was independently confirmed.

Jason Easley
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