John Boehner Says Trump’s Time in Office So Far Has Been a Complete Disaster

Former Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) laid his cards on the table during a keynote speaking slot for the KPMG Global Energy Conference, saying that his friend Donald Trump’s time in office so far has been a complete disaster.

In remarks captured by Rigzone, Boehner said he’s so relieved not to be in the House anymore he said he wakes up and says “hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.”

The Ohio Republican praised Trump’s foreign policy and claimed foreign leaders were thrilled with him (to be fair to Boehner, he made these remarks on the 24th, before Trump solidified his EU image as clown bully), but even though they’ve been friends for 15 years, he said “Everything else he’s done [in office] has been a complete disaster.”

Boehner never saw Trump as president. “But president? I just never envisioned him in that role.” He added that Trump shouldn’t be allowed to tweet “overnight.”

Boehner made the dubious claim that Trump had done what he could with healthcare (I don’t think anyone can claim that Trump rolled out his healthcare plan well or did the best that could have been done with an alternative plan), but said he should have worked to repair Obamacare.

Boehner said that tax reform is “just a bunch of happy talk” and he also dismissed impeachment talk as that of “left wing” Democrats. Boehner claimed impeachment talk would just rile up Trump supporters, as if they weren’t already riled up enough and as if Russia having eyes and ears in the Oval weren’t more important than politics.

John Boehner is happy smoking his cigarettes and drinking red wine. He said he has no interest in being president.

Many things have been said of John Boehner, but I often wrote that sane, moderate people would miss him when he was gone because a more extreme Republican would take his place. And indeed this is the case, with Paul Ryan the policy wonk whose math never works.

John Boehner had the worst job in politics at the time. Now I’d give that honor to Sean Spicer. But the difference is, Spicer signed up to represent Trump; whereas, Boehner got saddled with the tea party in the wave 2010 elections. His relief at being far, far away from all of that dysfunction is palpable.

Everything Trump has done in office has been a disaster. Copy that, Sir.

Sarah Jones
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