Greg Gianforte Montana

Montana GOP Special Election Candidate “Body Slammed” A Reporter Who Asked About Trumpcare

According to a new tweet from Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs, Montana GOP special election candidate Greg Gianforte assaulted him on Wednesday, breaking his glasses and leaving him in need of medical attention.

The incident reportedly took place at the Republican’s final campaign event at his headquarters, where Gianforte planned to thank volunteers.


The Guardian posted the troubling audio of the interaction online just a short time ago, which shows that Jacobs was asking Gianforte about the latest CBO score on the Republican health care bill when the GOP candidate assaulted him.


After the assault, Gianforte could be heard screaming at Jacobs: “Get the hell out of here.”

“He took me to the ground,” Jacobs said, according to the Guardian report. “This is the strangest thing that has ever happened to me in reporting on politics.”

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle reported that one person – likely Jacobs – was transferred to the hospital while Gianforte quickly left the area – no surprise.

More tweets:

With the special election set to take place on Thursday, this is nothing short of a disaster for the Republican candidate who is just a slight favorite to beat Democratic candidate Rob Quist. This could turn the race upside down with less than 24 hours to go.

It’s hard enough to be a Republican at a time when Donald Trump is dragging the entire party down and the health care bill continues to be an albatross around the neck of the GOP – but assaulting a reporter is probably not a good election eve strategy.

Picture: Twitter

Sean Colarossi

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