Democrats Release 3 Bombshell Documents Showing That Trump WH Committed Crimes

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) released three documents that show that Mike Flynn committed crimes while serving in the Trump administration and that the White House is engaging in a cover-up of those crimes.

Here are the three documents:

While meeting with reporters, Rep. Cummings said, “I watched Sean Spicer make all kinds of excuses about how hard it would be to comply with our requests. Come on man. General Flynn served in his position for twenty-four days, so that excuse from the White House will not fly. I honestly don’t understand why the White House is covering up for Michael Flynn. I don’t get it. After the president fired him for lying. So the president fired him for lying about having communications with the Russian ambassador. They should be bending over backwards to help us. It does not make any sense, and it makes the American people think that the White House has something to hide.”

Sen. Blumenthal said, “The evidence that Rep. Cummings just outlined is powerful, mounting, incontrovertible evidence that there has been a violation of criminal law.”

Blumenthal said that these crimes must be investigated and prosecuted but stressed that that investigation must come from a special prosecutor because the Trump Justice Department can’t be trusted to carry out the investigation and prosecution.

The White House is constantly trying to change the subject. They want to talk about health care. They want to talk about tax reform. They want to talk about North Korea, but the national discussion always keeps returning to the same topic of Russia.

Republicans are trying to sandbag the investigation, but new information continues to be revealed, and each revelation brings more crisis to a failing White House that is in total turmoil.

Jason Easley
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