Tax Marchers Shout Lock Him Up As They Demand The Release Of Trump’s Tax Returns

As nationwide protests sweep the country demanding the release of Donald Trump’s tax returns. Protesters in Washington, D.C. went beyond demanding tax returns and chanted for the President Of The United States to be locked up.

NBC’s Ali Vitali tweeted:

According to Trump, nobody cares about his tax returns except for the hundreds of thousands of people around the country who are going to marching and demanding that the President make his tax returns public. The issue goes deeper than Trump’s refusal to release his returns. 229 House Republicans voted to block a Democratic attempt to obtain Trump’s tax returns. As with the Russia scandal, Trump is being assisted in his cover-up by Republicans in Congress. If the American people want to see Trump’s tax returns, the quickest way to achieve this goal would be to vote Republicans out of Congress.

The tax returns go to the heart of the Russia scandal, and the Trump family’s potential conflicts of interest in the White House.

The chants of lock him up in the nation’s capital show that people more than care. They believe this president is a criminal who should be behind bars.

Jason Easley
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