Trump Lays The Groundwork For Impeachment With Tirade Defending Russian Hacking

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:46 pm

President-elect Donald Trump couldn’t help himself and dug the hole deeper by spending Saturday morning offering up a full-throated defense of Russia and their hacking during the US presidential election.

Trump tweeted:

The president-elect of the United States of America responded to a consensus agreement by the nation’s intelligence community that a hostile foreign actor interfered in an election to get their preferred candidate installed by defending the hostile foreign actor and claiming that a good relationship with a leader who is committed to destroying democracy is a good thing.

Trump claims that Putin will respect the US more, but it is interesting to ask what the president-elect means by respect? If he means respect as allowing Russia to do whatever they please while they say nice things about a weak-kneed stooge who is bowled over by flattery, then yes, that is the kind of “respect” that Trump will earn for the US.

A president-elect who cared about democracy would be outraged and join the calls for a select committee to launch an investigation. They would not defend the hostile foreign actors while trying to bury the investigation.

Trump is setting Republicans on a course for making a choice between the US and Russia. By continuing to defend Russia, Trump is keeping the scandal alive and is one piece of direct evidence of collusion with a hostile foreign actor away from impeachment.

Jason Easley
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