Top Senate Democrat Calls For Full Investigation Into Russia Helping Trump Win Election

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:40 pm

Incoming Senate Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is calling for a full bipartisan congressional investigation into Russia’s efforts to help Donald Trump win the White House.
Sen. Schumer said, “Senate Democrats will join with our Republican colleagues next year to demand a congressional investigation and hearings to get to the bottom of this. It’s imperative that our intelligence community turns over any relevant information so that Congress can conduct a full investigation….The silence from Wikileaks and others since election day has been deafening. That any country could be meddling in our elections should shake both political parties to their core.”

There is potentially a large enough bipartisan coalition in the Senate to hold a committee investigation into the Russian hacking of the US presidential election. The report that the CIA found that Russia helped Donald Trump win the White House has set American politics on its ear. The Trump transition team’s response of calling the CIA liars has only added fuel to the fire.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who knew about the Russian influence on the election but opposed President Obama’s efforts to issue a bipartisan statement, will probably do all he can to block efforts to launch a full-scale Congressional investigation.

Before the country can get to January, there is the now not so small matter of an Electoral College vote on December 19.

The Russia story is not going to go away. The fact that the president-elect is not attending security briefings and is spending his time questioning the honesty of the intelligence community should trouble every American.

Donald Trump and the Republican Party have a major scandal on their hands, and Democrats are going to investigate and hound Trump until they get the truth about Russia’s role in getting the Republican candidate elected to be the next president.

Jason Easley
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