Democrats Drop A Truth Bomb By Calling Out “Overwhelming Evidence” Of Russia Election Meddling

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:39 pm

While introducing legislation to investigate Russian interference in the presidential election, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) went there by calling out the overwhelming evidence that Russia tampered with a US election.


Rep. Cummings said, “Experts agree that there is overwhelming evidence that Russia interfered with the 2016 US presidential election. Overwhelming. It’s not disputed. It’s overwhelming. Our nation’s seventeen federal intelligence agencies say that they are confident that Russia directed the cyber attacks, and that they were intended to interfere with the US elections process. Let that sink in.”
The intelligence community in both the public and private sector have pointed to a massive trail of evidence that indicates that Russia interfered with the US presidential election to help Donald Trump. Unanswered questions about the integrity of the election are why there is an ongoing battle to have the ballots hand recounted in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

If there is no investigation, a message will be sent to the rest of the world that there is no penalty for tampering with an election in the world’s only superpower. Democrats are going there. Unlike the false stories and conspiracies that dominate the conservative fringe, Rep. Cummings is not suggesting that the election was stolen from Hillary Clinton. The evidence shows that Russia meddled with the election. What Democrats are seeking is an investigation into what exactly the Russians did, and how much damage they caused.

Cummings was talking to the press about legislation that he introduced that would create a bipartisan commission to investigate Russian election interference in the US. Democrats are speaking the truth, and in the process, they may expose how Russia interfered to held Donald Trump win the White House.

Jason Easley
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