Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:35 pm
Fox “News” has two lies that are pounded into its brain dead viewers dozens of times a day: We already know how Fair and Balanced can be disproved by anybody with a basic understanding of facts — or knows how to use Der Googalizer. However, the other lie is equally insidious but gets little mention. Barely an hour goes by when Fox doesn’t attack the mainstream media. But, by any measure you want to take, Fox “News” is the mainstream media.
Let’s never forget that the real product of tee vee is the commercials. The content is immaterial. Fox would start telling the truth if it thought that would bring in more viewers. But Fox “News” knows the market and its audience far too well for that. As long as it keeps getting ratings, it will broadcast programs like last Friday’s The Truman Trump Show, which had boffo ratings, as they say. Here’s more about ratings:
What’s Happened To Fox News Since The
Election Says It All… And In A Stunning Way
Cable Ratings: Harvey Levin, Tucker
Carlson Boost Fox News to No. 1
Fox News Sunday Posts Its Highest
Rating in the Past Decade…
The numbers do not lie. Fox is the mainstream media on steroids. It doesn’t just trounce all the other news channels put together, but beats every other basic cable network of any description. According to Cable Network Ranker – Week of Nov. 14:
Top 5 – Primetime (P2+)
- FNC (3,099,000)
- ESPN (3,023,000)
- Hallmark (2,238,000)
- USA (1,444,000)
- TBS (1,433,000)
Top 5 – Total Day (P2+)
- FNC (1,803,000)
- ESPN (1,230,000)
- NICK (1,210,000)
- Hallmark (1,114,000)
- Adult Swim (847,000)
And, that’s just one reason why ‘Merka is in the mess it’s in. People prefer to be lied to. [See: Trump, 2016 election]
SCHISMS THROUGH THE PRISMS: Friday Fox Follies has delighted in documenting the fracturing of the Fox “News” audience, which — in the fullness of time — might knock the Fox “News” Channel off its #1 perch. We previously showed you the sniping between the fans of Eric Bolling and Dana Perino ever since the latter rightly pegged the former as a Trump sycophant. Despite Megyn Kelly [claiming]: I’m Not In the Tank for Anyone, ‘I Have No Political Ideology’, the Trumpers have been attacking her vociferously for being anti-Trump, even though she attacked the cast of Hamiton with a false equivalency. Of course, she has her supporters who are engaged in their own War of Words against her perceived enemies.
FFF documented last week the recent flashpoint between Megyn Kelly and Bill O’Reilly. This week she has a new nemesis. First Megyn Kelly Drops A Bomb And Confirms That The Media Was Secretly In The Bag For Trump. Then, even though she did not mention any names — nor did she even suggest that it was anyone at Fox (despite the false headline below) — Sean Hannity, who clearly has a guilty conscience, went bat feces crazy:
Hannity v. Kelly: A Battle Between Fox Anchors
Hannity — who has proudly proclaimed he’s not a journalist and proves it every time he opens his mouth — embarrassed himself in other ways this week:
‘Great American’ Hannity Declares Himself An Enemy Of The First Amendment • Sean Hannity: Why Should Mainstream Journalists “Have A Seat In The White House Press Room” • Sean Hannity Urges Potential Trump Press Secretary Not To Speak With The Press Every Day • Hannity: ‘Maybe It’s Time to Change the Traditional Relationship’ the Press Has with WH • Hannity Faces Off with BuzzFeed’s Rosie Gray About Whether There’s an ‘Alt-Radical Left’ • BuzzFeed’s Rosie Gray Goes Head-To-Head With Sean Hannity Over Trump And The Alt-Right
Scammity loves him some Trump. The truth? Not so much.
BULLY BOY BOLLING: I threw up in my mouth a little when I read Fox Host Eric Bolling Being Considered For Trump Commerce Department. Then I read Fox Host Eric Bolling Downplays Deficit Spending Now That There’s A Republican President. How Fair & Balanced of him.
Because of this possible appointment, Media Matters asks the musical question, Will Fox News Hold Eric Bolling To The Same Standard They Had For Other On-Air Personalities?, and also shows how Eric Bolling Is Trying To Cover His Bigoted Tracks (And Failing). Which makes this the perfect time to look at Trump Fanboy And Possible Administration Hire Eric Bolling’s Bigotry And Conspiracy Theories.
BTW: I am still blocked from Bolling’s Twitter account because I had the temerity to point out his lies.
TUCKER TUCKER BO BUCKER: While Tucker Carlson has improved the ratings at 7 o’clock (EST), he’s done nothing to improve the discourse:
Fox’s Tucker Carlson Is A Putin Apologist
Tucker Carlson: Tulsi Gabbard Is “The Prettiest
Member Of Congress … What Are Her Qualifications?”
Fox’s Tucker Carlson Attacks The NAACP
During Defense Of Jeff Sessions’ Racist Past
Tucker Carlson Takes On Rangel
Over Bill to Abolish the Electoral College
However, all of that pales in comparison to his RANK HYPOCRISY. This week Tucker Carlson Confronts Business Owner Who Won’t Do Business with Trump Supporters. Watch:
Recall it was only 2.5 years ago that:
Sniveling Weasel Tucker Carlson Says
Equal Rights for Gays is Fascism! (Video)
Tucker Carlson: It’s ‘called fascism’ when
laws give LGBT people equal treatment
Tucker Carlson Is A Worthless Person:
It’s ‘Fascism’ To Treat Gays Equally
Fox’s Tucker Carlson [has also claimed]: It’s “Fascism” For Trump Protesters To Block Highways. He seems to use the word “fascism” a lot, but only for those he opposes. I don’t think it means what he think it means.
FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS! Just like during the administration of George W. Bush, Fox will do everything in its power to defend Trump:
Fox News Media Critic Has The Worst
Take On Trump Being Normalized
Fox & Friends Attacks Anti-Trump
Protesters As Unpatriotic ‘Crybabies’
We will see far more of this in the next 1500 days, or unless Trump is impeached, whichever comes first.
Fox Guest David Clarke Defends Jeff Sessions’
Racist Comments: “I Refer To Myself As … Boy”
DRAINING THE REAL SWAMP: Fox “News” will never get past the Ailes Sex Scandal until it purges itself of all of those execs who covered for him and until headlines like this stop coming:
Gretchen Carlson Encourages Women to “Document”
Sexual Harassment in Emotional ’20/20′ Interview
Watch: Gretchen Carlson’s Sexual Harassment Claims Against Ailes: Part 1
‘I Went Through Such Hell’: Ex-Fox News
Booker Speaks About Alleged Ailes Harassment
Ex-Fox News Booker Explains Why She Didn’t
Refuse Roger Ailes’ Alleged Sexual Demands
For the record, Roger Ailes denies all the accusations.
CREDIT WHERE CREDIT’S DUE: I almost fell off my chair when I read the headline Cal Thomas: Why I am watching “Black America since MLK” (and you should, too). Reading further, it’s merely confirmation bias. I’ve been watching this amazing series and Thomas only mentions things that confirms his conservative POV. He misrepresents the program, knowing full well the Fox “News” audience will never watch a Black documentary series.
Real credit given to:
Even Karl Rove Is Decrying Trump’s Conflicts Of Interest
FOX BYTES: Fox Anchor: The Media Covers White Nationalists But Not ‘Progressive Extremists’ • Fox News fans freak out over pope’s abortion announcement: ‘Who does this assh*le think he is?’ • Fox News Pushes Debunked Story About University Professors Offering Extra Credit To Students For Attending An Anti-Trump Protest • ‘Fox And Friends’ Dolts: Black Female Police Officer May Be A Muslim (Video) • Say Please: Why James Patterson and Bill O’Reilly Are Pushing Politeness • Fox News Peddles Misleading Deficit Hysteria To Undercut Obama’s Economic Record
Headly Westerfield has been writing Fox “News” criticism since 2009. It just seems longer.
- Friday Fox Follies: Trump Tee Vee - Fri, Jun 23rd, 2017
- Friday Fox Follies: Fair & Balanced No More - Fri, Jun 16th, 2017
- Friday Fox Follies: Comey Comedy Cavalcade - Fri, Jun 9th, 2017