Comey Bias Exposed As FBI Boss Refused To Call Out Russians For Hacking Before Election

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:27 pm

A new report is painting FBI Director James Comey as having used his office to influence the presidential election, as Comey sent a letter about Hillary Clinton’s emails, but refused to call out Russia for meddling in the election by hacking Democrats.

CNBC reported:

FBI Director James Comey argued privately that it was too close to Election Day for the United States government to name Russia as meddling in the U.S. election and ultimately ensured that the FBI’s name was not on the document that the U.S. government put out, a former FBI official tells CNBC.


According to the former official, Comey agreed with the conclusion the intelligence community came to: “A foreign power was trying to undermine the election. He believed it to be true, but was against putting it out before the election.” Comey’s position, this official said, was “if it is said, it shouldn’t come from the FBI, which as you’ll recall it did not.”

Director Comey didn’t want to interfere in the presidential election by releasing information that could harm Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump , but he had no qualms about sending a letter to Congress about emails that he had never seen in an apparent effort to interfere in the current presidential election.

With each new revelation and detail, it is becoming impossible not to come to the conclusion that FBI Director Comey may have violated the Hatch Act with his letter to Congress. It is illegal for federal employees to use their positions to interfere in elections.

When the information was bad for Donald Trump, Comey argued that it should not be publicly released so close to the election. However, he embraced a different standard when he had less information but could frame it in a way that could damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

It is becoming clear that Comey has abused his power and must be removed as FBI Director immediately.

Jason Easley
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