Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:14 pm
A non-partisan study revealed devastating news for the Republican Party and Donald Trump. The Trump healthcare plan would make health care more expensive and cost 19.7 million mostly poor, and ill Americans their health insurance.
The non-partisan study from the Rand Corporation funded by The Commonwealth Fund of Trump’s health insurance plan found, “Repealing the ACA would result in 19.7 million fewer people with health insurance in 2018. This estimate assumes that individuals who newly enrolled in Medicaid under the ACA, but who were eligible under prior law, would remain enrolled even if the law were repealed. Repealing the ACA and adding a tax deduction for health insurance would result in 15.6 million fewer people with health insurance. The Medicaid block-grant program results in 25.1 million fewer people with health insurance, including approximately 5.5 million people who were eligible for Medicaid under pre-ACA rules who lose coverage because states may lack the funds to sustain enrollment among this population. Allowing insurers to sell across states lines reduces coverage by 17.5 million people.”
In contrast, the same analysis of Hillary Clinton’s plan would provide access to health insurance to additional 9.6 million people, and reduce the cost of health care by 39%.
Donald Trump’s health care plan would make health care less accessible, more expensive, and would jeopardize the lives of tens of millions of sick and poor Americans.
The choice for voters regarding policy is simple. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for going back to the old system of more expensive health insurance and denial of coverage. Trump is a step backward that would literally cost people their lives and at minimum reduce the quality of life of tens of millions of Americans.
If voters can through the media chatter and noise, and look at what Trump is proposing to do as president, the decision in this election will get more obvious.
Trump doesn’t want attention focused on his policies, which is why the last thing he needed three days before the first presidential debate was to have his fraudulent health care plan exposed to the world.
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