Donald Trump Celebrates Labor Day By Saying He’s Going to Create the Jobs Obama Already Created

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:08 pm

This is in stark contrast to Donald Trump’s Labor Day pitch, posted to Facebook, which is a repeat of his tired old claim that President Obama, who is the record holder for jobs created by an American president, hasn’t created any jobs:

“Labor Day is a long-standing tradition celebrating the American worker but with millions of Americans out of work, we must do something to get America back to work. As President I will end bad trade deals and bring back American jobs for our people!”

Well…he has created jobs for other people, in Mexico and China and elsewhere. He hasn’t shown any signs that he knows how to create jobs here. And in fact, all the evidence from economists is that Trump will throw us back into another vicious recession, and undo the work of the past eight years.

So there you have it: Donald Trump Celebrates Labor Day By Saying He’s Going to Create the Jobs Obama Already Created. President Obama celebrates the positives, the successes we have had, and the hope for future victories for the American worker. Their messages could not be more different.

Hrafnkell Haraldsson

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