Trump Dumps Plan To Build The Wall As Entire Republican Presidential Campaign Crumbles

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:06 pm

It turns out that Donald Trump lied about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it, as Trump is instead focusing on reviving a failed Bush policy to construct a “virtual wall” along the US Southern border.

Ari Melber of MSNBC tweeted:

Trump’s campaign was based on three promises to his supporters. Trump promised to ban all Muslims, deport 11 million immigrants, and build a wall along the US Southern border. Donald Trump is in the process of breaking all three of those promises.

The first Trump television ad promised that he would build a wall along the border that Mexico will pay for:

To the surprise of no one outside of those who voted for Trump in the Republican primary, the border wall was a lie. In fact, Republican members of Congress have been suggesting since Trump announced his plan to “build the wall” that they didn’t support it, and would not pass the appropriations needed to construct a wall.

Donald Trump keeps promising his supporters that he will build the wall, but he continues to leave out the details. It turns out that Trump isn’t going to build a real wall that his supporters can see with their own eyes. Instead, it sounds like Donald Trump is leaning towards changing his plan back to the failed Secure Border Initiative Network that was attempted under George W. Bush.

Republicans trusted Trump to build them a wall, but instead, they are getting another failed policy from George W. Bush.

Jason Easley
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