Donald Trump Just Had A Complete Breakdown And Admitted He’s Going To Lose

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 07:14 pm

Donald Trump was supposed to be addressing campaign volunteers in Cleveland, but his speech soon morphed into a total breakdown where Trump accidentally admitted that he expects to lose to Hillary Clinton.

Video of Trump’s speech:

Trump told a bizarre tale about a rich friend of his putting a straw in the ground and getting oil. Trump claimed that all of the seasons belong to Trump and Christmas too. Trump claimed the Bernie voters are going to vote for him because of trade.

Trump devoted much of his event that was supposedly for campaign volunteers to ranting about the lack of endorsement from Ted Cruz.

While complaining about Cruz’s lack of endorsement of him, Trump admitted that he expects to lose:

He’s fine. I don’t want his endorsement. If he gives it, I will not accept it, just so you understand. I will not accept it. It won’t matter. Honestly, he should have done it. Because nobody cares. And he would have been in better shape for four years from now. I don’t see him winning anyway, frankly. But if he did, it’s fine. Although maybe I’ll set up a super PAC if he decides to run. Are you allowed to set up a super PAC, Mike, if you are the president to fight somebody?

Why would Cruz run in four years if Trump is going to be the next president? Trump didn’t say that Cruz was going to run against him in four years. He said that Cruz was going to run in four years and lose. Donald Trump admitted that he expects to lose.

Trump went on to rave about how Ted Cruz’s father was involved with the Kennedy assassination:

All I did was point out the fact that on the cover of the National Enquirer, there’s a picture of him and crazy Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast. Now, Ted never denied that it was his father. Instead, he said, Donald Trump. I had nothing to do with it. This was a magazine that frankly in many respects, should be very respected. They got O.J. They got Edwards. They got this. I mean if that was The New York Times they would have gotten Pulitzer prizes for their reporting. I’ve always said why didn’t The National Enquirer get the Pulitzer prize for Edwards and for O.J. Simpson?

Trump’s speech seemed like it was something that was building up in him after he was forced to read off the teleprompter last night. It was a complete breakdown full of rambling nonsense like The National Enquirer is equal to The New York Times.

In his first act as the official Republican nominee, Donald Trump had a breakdown in front of the entire country.

Republicans will live to regret giving this unstable man their presidential nomination.

Jason Easley
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