Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 07:13 pm
Call me crazy, but I have a hard time believing that when Melania Trump was preparing for her big opening-night moment at the RNC, she sat down and started pulling passages from Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech.
Instead, the copycat speech delivered by Donald Trump’s third wife is likely the result of an incompetent and lazy campaign operation – qualities, of course, that lead straight back to the man at the top of this dumpster fire of a presidential candidacy.
What’s more probably is that a team of speechwriters, only emboldened by their careless boss, decided to play it fast and loose, hoping nobody would notice. And now that they’ve been caught, instead of acting responsibly and admitting fault, the Trump campaign has spent the last 24 hours once again showing how disorganized and feckless it is.
As The New York Times reported on Tuesday, “The disarray was evident as Mr. Trump’s campaign and senior Republicans offered conflicting explanations for the similarities in the speeches, with some officials conceding that the passages were lifted and demanding accountability, and others arguing that nothing untoward had occurred.”
Even though Hillary Clinton and her campaign had nothing to uncovering the news of Mrs. Trump’s plagiarized speech, top Trump official Paul Manafort – who’s been putting his foot in his mouth a lot lately – decided to point his finger at the former Secretary of State, because why not?
“This is once again an example of when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, how she seeks out to demean her and take her down,” Manafort said.
But as The Washington Post reported today, it was an unemployed journalist sitting in a coffee shop that beat everyone to the story of the xeroxed speech.
Still, Hillary for America communications director Jennifer Palmieri fired back at Manafort’s suggestion, tweeting that Clinton “isn’t the answer for every Trump campaign problem.”
The dreadful first night of the RNC – from chaos on the floor, to Rudy Giuliani shouting on stage, to Melania reading from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech – is likely just a taste of what’s to come, especially given just awful the Trump operation is.
As the campaign continues to forge ahead, it is likely that the laziness and poor management skills of the man at the top will continue to catch up with him and ultimately sink his campaign – like one of his many ill-advised business ventures.
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