His Racism Is No Accident: Trump Has Retweeted White Supremacists 75 Times

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 07:08 pm

An analysis of Trump’s Twitter account revealed that his racism is no accident. Donald Trump has retweeted white supremacists 75 times since his campaign began.

Fortune reported:

The Little Bird software analyzed Twitter content to generate a ranked list of just under 2,000 #WhiteGenocide “influencers” as of February 8. The more impactful, the higher up on the list (which, understandably, ebbs and flows a bit over time).

Since the start of his campaign, Donald Trump has retweeted at least 75 users who follow at least three of the top 50 #WhiteGenocide influencers. Moreover, a majority of these retweeted accounts are themselves followed by more than 100 #WhiteGenocide influencers.

Judging from the reaction of neo-Nazis to his latest tweet, Trump’s racism is hitting its intended target:

Donald Trump’s campaign is courting racists, and members of the Republican Party who think that they are being good party loyalists by supporting Trump are enabling his racist campaign.

Trump’s retweets of white supremacists are no accident. There have been too many retweets for the pattern to be a mistake. This is a strategy by Trump to mobilize the racists to vote for him.

The excuses are wearing thin from Trump’s media enablers. Grumbling about political correctness can’t obscure the fact that the presumptive presidential nominee for the Republican Party has a taste for racism.

Republicans have selected a racist to lead their party, and those who support Trump shall be tainted by his racism.

Jason Easley
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