Friday Fox Follies: The Human Race vs GOP Race

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 06:46 pm

A story Friday Fox Follies stayed away from last week was that of Christopher Marquez, the Marine assaulted outside a burger joint in Washington, D.C., something he called a “hate crime” because the alleged perps allegedly referenced Black Lives Matter when they allegedly thumped him.

Despite being featured on Fox several times, I stayed away because, at first, it smelled funny the same way other alleged hate crimes which eventually turned out to be total fabrications smelled. When video of the assault was released, I was glad I stayed away because it appeared to back up the story of this hero being attacked from behind.

However, Fox “News” didn’t stay away from the story because it plays right into their overarching narrative: BE AFRAID OF BLACK PEOPLE!!! Just this week NewsHounds flagged the following:

Bret Baier Says Alleged Black-On-White
“Hate Crime” Ignored By Mainstream Media

Fox Cop Admits There’s No Evidence
Connecting Black Lives Matter To Mugging
Of Iraq Vet – But Blames Them Anyway

Fox News Raising Money For Alleged
Black-On-White Hate Crime Victim?

Fox Uses Assault On Vet To Attack Obama
For Meeting With Black Lives Matter

Yesterday my former-colleague Priscilla asked and answered the musical question: Fox News “Hate Crime” Victim Not So Innocent?

It seems that during the time that Marquez was pleading his case on Fox, a witness has come forward. According to a local Fox News affiliate, the witness told the police that when the teens asked Marquez if black lives matter, it was after Marquez said “excuse me, (N-word), ” as he walked by the teens. According to this witness, Marquez “smelled like he had been drinking.” The witness also stated that one of the teens aske [sic] Marquez if he was a racist. When Marquez responded, “no, I’m not,” the accused said “we can fight like men outside.”
One does wonder if Fox will report the latest updates. And, if Marquez’s story is proven to be correct, one wonders if he will fall from grace in the same way that former Fox heroes James O’Keefe and Cliven Bundy did after they were discredited. So while Fox News lives in a world of black and white, reality informs us that there are lots of shades of gray…

However, the reality is here’s How Fox News Celebrates Black History Month:

If that didn’t convince you Fox “News” is racist, any of these articles might:

CNN’s Brian Stelter Calls Out Fox’s “Insidious Use of Video” In Portrayal Of Black Lives Matter • Lawsuit Blames Spring Break Crackdown On Fox News’ Racist CoverageFox’s Bolling: African-American Voters Only Approve Of Obama “Because He’s African-American”“Go Black Or Go Home”: Fox News Explains How To Win South Carolina’s Democratic PrimaryFox Is Still Attacking Beyoncé

FROM THE HUMAN RACE TO THE GOP RACE: Now that he’s the front-runner Fox News Has Clearly Decided to Embrace Trump with an hour-long Hannity infomercial. Meanwhile Greta Van Susteren didn’t even laugh in his face when Donald Trump [said]: I Don’t Lie, I’m Too Truthful. However, for sheer comedy you can’t beat the news that the totally irrelevant Newt Gingrich drops truth bomb on Fox News: ‘Trump is the candidate Fox & Friends invented’. Truth is such an endangered species on Fox “News” others also took note:

Newt Gingrich: “You Could Say That Trump Is The Candidate Fox & Friends Invented”Gingrich: Fox & Friends ‘Invented’ Donald Trump’s CandidacyNewt Gingrich slammed ‘Fox & Friends’ for giving Donald Trump a massive platform

IN OTHER FOX ELECTION NEWS: Fox News Trumpettes Attack Mitt Romney For Demanding Donald Trump’s Tax ReturnsTrump’s Son Said ‘There’s Something Special’ About His Dad’s Desire to Punch ProtestersMegyn to Paul Ryan: If There’s a Brokered Convention, Would You Step In as Nominee?“Big Second Place Win”: Fox News Reporter Hypes Rubio’s South Carolina Finish As A Big WinFox’s Eric Bolling Slams Cruz Campaign’s “Dirty Tricks”Ted Cruz Uses Fox News Town Hall To Say He Would Pardon CMP’s David Daleiden And Investigate Planned ParenthoodBen Carson Plays The Victim After Attacking Obama As ‘Raised White’:

During her town hall last night, Kelly told Carson that “some well-known African American commentators” suggested that his comments play “into a narrative that there is some sort of correct or legitimate way of doing blackness, of being black.”
Carson’s reply was, basically, “Moi?”
CARSON: My response is that that’s hogwash. Basically, in the conversation, and a transcript is available, I said that his experience in growing up is vastly different than most African Americans. And I don’t know who could really argue with that. You know, he was raised by his white grandparents in Hawaii, in a very affluent area in a private school.
Kelly’s pushback was just as lame. “But he looks black.” Not “Obama identifies as black” or, more importantly, asking why his unusual upbringing should matter.

What should matter is that Fox’s Judge Andrew Napolitano Has “A Financial Relationship” With Donald Trump. Watch him try to blow off this conflict of interest as if it’s nothing:

PRESCIENT PUNDIT: FFF has been reporting for months how the Kelly/Trump feud has riven the Fox audience by taking the temperature on Web-0-Sphere comments threads. Empirical evidence now backs up my claim in Fox’s Brand at Three-Year Low with Republicans Despite Recent Ratings Triumphs:

It is perhaps no coincidence that the downward trend in Republican esteem coincides with a highly dramatic election cycle that has seen the rise of Donald Trump, the GOP frontrunner who has polarized Republican voters, and relentlessly needled both Fox and the party establishment.

Both anti- and pro-Trump Republicans are apt to have lost some partiality for Fox: the anti camp because the network awards his antics with free publicity, the pro faction because Trump has constantly blasted the network and its anchor Megyn Kelly for not demonstrating sufficient fairness or respect to him. That 50-percent downturn since January corresponds to the period of the most antagonistic feuding between Fox and The Donald.

You’re welcome.


Fox’s Guilfoyle Says Asking For
Donald Trump’s Tax Returns Is
“Discrimination … Against Rich People”

Followed closely by:

Fox’s Erick Erickson Pushes Lie
That Planned Parenthood “Chops Up
Children And Sells Their Body Parts”

A SPECIAL IDIOT: While we continue to wait for Sean Hannity to: 1) Be waterboarded for charity like he promised; 2). Release an accounting of where all the money went for his Freedom Concerts, which was supposed to go to veterans; Scammity’s always good for a few cheap laughs:

Sean Hannity: Ted Cruz Is “A
Reagan-Conservative Constitutionalist …
How Could I Not Admire That?”

Hannity Calls Trump’s ‘Joke’ About
Obama Attending Scalia’s Funeral In A
Mosque “One Of The Funniest I Ever Read”

THE FALAFEL KING VS THE POPE: There’s nothing funnier than the hubris required when O’Reilly Lectures The Pope About Christianity And Immigration. Bill O’Reilly Wants To Give The Pope Advice On Immigration And Jesus and O’Reilly: ‘I Think I Could Persuade the Pope’ on Immigration was really both defense of Donald Trump and Kate’s Law, a pet project that Loofah Lad has been promoting longer than he’s been promoting Trump. Please read Exclusive! Bill O’Reilly on Donald Trump’s Biggest Mistake and More, in which the serial liar lies again:

Switching gears, AJ asked Bill’s thoughts on the Oscars boycott. O’Reilly responded, “I’m not a big boycott guy…

That doesn’t jibe with his repeated urging for his audience to boycott France, San Francisco, or anyone who incurs his wrath. Don’t believe me? Ask the Paris Business Review.

Meanwhile, Bill O’Reilly Defends Morning Joe Hosts For Hot Mic Incident With Donald Trump and says, I Don’t “See Anything Wrong With That Kind Of Banter”. Of course not, because he has the same kind of jocular banter with his personal friend Trump, which is why O’Reilly Dismisses Controversy Over Morning Joe Being Too Friendly to Trump. That’s also why Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly omits vanilla-milkshake disclosure from rant on media, Trump, this as Trump Buddy O’Reilly Gives His Blessing To Morning Joe Hosts Cozying Up To Trump, Too:

[P]utting aside the blatant pro-Republican bias we’ve been documenting on Fox for years, O’Reilly neatly excused his own jaw-dropping interview in which he all but begged Donald Trump to participate in last month’s Fox News debate. O’Reilly actually advised Trump on the air that it would be good for his career to take part in the debate and, at one point, said, “I bought you so many vanilla milkshakes, you owe me.”
At the same time, O’Reilly showed an almost complete lack of concern for Trump’s attacks on Fox’s Megyn Kelly and attempts to bar her from the debate.
In other words, by giving Scarborough and Brzezinski a pass, O’Reilly was also giving one to himself and to many of his Fox News colleagues.


O’Reilly Grills Carson Over Why He’s
Still in the Race: ‘It’d Take a Miracle…’

Bill O’Reilly: Trump Is “Slapping The Elites”
When He Says He Loves The “Poorly Educated”

Bill O’Reilly dissects presidential politics in Drew Forum


Obama Announces Plan To Close Guantanamo And Right-Wing Media Attack With MisinformationFox Hosts Use Debunked Recidivism Statistic To Smear Obama’s Plan To Close Guantanamo Bay PrisonFox’s Bolling: African-American Voters Only Approve Of Obama “Because He’s African-American”

LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE: This an inside baseball story. Where is Roger Stone?

CNN: Trump Supporter Roger Stone
“Will No Longer Appear On” Network

Fox Regular Roger Stone On Fox
Personalities: “Nice Set Of Cans,”
“Know-It-All Negro,” “Mandingo”

Trump Ally Roger Stone On Media
Figures: “Muff-Diver,” “Elitist C*nt,”
“Professional Negro,” “DIE BITCH”

Stone is a notorious “dirty trickster” who recently co-authored The Clintons’ War on Women. The 2015 book is dedicated to — and cites research from — a Holocaust denier who blames a “Jewish plot” for the 9/11 attacks. Stone’s history includes forming an anti-Hillary Clinton group named “C.U.N.T.” during the 2008 election.[…]
As Media Matters previously documented, Stone has written disgusting tweets against people who work for CNN and Fox News. He’s called employees at those networks an “arrogant know-it-all negro,” a “stupid negro,” a “fat negro,” a “Mandingo,” and “quota hires.” He told Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer — who was paralyzed in a diving accident when he was in medical school — to “stand the fuck up,” and said Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly has a “nice set of cans.”
CNN banned Stone from appearing on its airwaves as a result of his tweets. Stone is also a regular guest on Fox News and Fox Business; Fox has not commented on whether it plans to continue hosting him despite his anti-Fox diatribes.
Stone defended his behavior in a statement to Politico, claiming that he is “politically incorrect.” FishbowlDC explains Stone is apparently using that phrase as shorthand for “the ability to use hateful words and phrases without having to deal [with] any attendant consequences.”

Not surprisingly, After Being Banned From CNN, Roger Stone Is A No-Show For His Scheduled Fox News Appearance, which was also after Media Matters published that.

SCOTUS WATCH: The smart people at Fox “News” recognize a bad tactic when they see one:

Roger Ailes’ Attorney Blasts Republicans For Blocking Scalia’s Supreme Court ReplacementRoger Ailes’ “Mouthpiece” Is Urging Republicans Not To Obstruct Obama’s Supreme Court PickFox Legal Analyst Admits GOP Obstruction Of SCOTUS Nominee Is “Unprecedented,” “Might Be A Constitutional Crisis”Fox’s Neil Cavuto: GOP Would Be “Foolish” To Block Confirmation Hearings For An Obama SCOTUS Nominee

The non-smart people on the other hand:

Tantaros: Obama Nominating
Qualified Centrist to SCOTUS
Would Be a Shady, Political ‘Trap’

Some things never change.

CRAZY CLINTON CONTEST: A reminder that FFF is hosting a contest with a prize to the first person who spots a positive about Hillary Clinton on the Fox “News” Channel. Until then:

Hillary Clinton Has Good Reasons To Refuse A Fox News Sunday InterviewLou Dobbs Pans Hillary Clinton’s Nevada Victory Speech Before It’s OverFox’s Pirro Acts As Though Hillary Clinton Did Not Really Win The Nevada CaucusCampaign Press Adopts The Trump Rules — They’re The Opposite Of The Clinton Rules

FOX BYTES: Fox’s Gutfeld: Republican Debate Will Be “A Spanish Soap Opera” Due To Telemundo’s InvolvementJesse Watters Accuses Apple And Millennials Of Being UnpatrioticNY Bill Barring Food Stamp Recipients From “Luxury Food Items” Comes Straight From Fox News MythFox’s Stuart Varney Hypes Threat Of Job Automation To Attack Increasing The Minimum WageNew ‘Fox & Friends’ co-host Ainsley Earhardt: a bug-fearing churchgoerFox Chastises Woman Who Spoke About Struggling To Live On Minimum Wage As Delusional, Entitled

Headly Westerfield writes on racial and cultural issues for the Not Now Silly Newsroom, while he hosts Fox Follies and Fallacies in his spare time.

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