Friday Fox Follies – Watters’ World Weary Warrior

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 06:40 pm

Seeing as how it’s December 18th, this will be Friday Fox Follies last chance to report on the Phony War on Christmas this year, as well as expose Jesse Watters as one of the worst personalities appearing on the Fox “News” Channel. Just this week Fox’s Jesse Watters [said]: New York City Traffic “Is What Happens When You Let Women Drive.” If that were his only transgression, it would appear in FOX BYTES below.

Yesterday, the smarmy wisenheimer was less than a half mile from where I live, stalking the mayor of the vaguely-racist-sounding Plantation, Florida, to fight the Phony War on Christmas. It’s no secret that Watters has stalked people before.

For the uninitiated, aside from following and stalking a reporter on vacation in order to ambush-interview them on behalf of his patron Bill O’Reilly, Jesse Watters also appears as a semi-regular idiotic co-host of both #OutHouse and The Hive. And, for the last year, he’s dragged his lazy Watters’ World segments, in which he makes fun of people (read: Liberals), onto the The O’Reilly Factor.

Background to the last night’s stalking episode: The town of Plantation has taken a family to court to remove an unsafe Christmas display. The Falafel King launched this latest skirmish in his never-ending Phony War on Christmas by saying, “In the spirit of Christmas we sent Watters down to Florida to try to work things out.”

In the spirit of Christmas Jesse Watters followed Mayor Diane Veltri Bendekovic to the supermarket where Jesse Watters Stuns Florida Mayor Suing a Family Over Christmas Lights by ambushing her as she came out of the store.


Of course, Watters buried the lede: Why was the mayor of Plantation doing her pre-Christmas grocery shopping in Sunrise, Florida? They are at the strip plaza where Pops, my 89-year old father, is at the time of this writing having a Subway with my visiting sister?

Watters also buried the fact that this has been a years-long problem as last year’s Battle rages over Plantation Christmas lights display attests. Watters is also not telling you that this Popular Holiday Lights Displays Posing Danger for Pilots.

Bright yellow, green and red laser lights from a Christmas display filled the cockpit as the chopper was in the sky north of 595 in Plantation.

“Absolutely a safety of flight issue. You are flying in the dark and the next thing you know, you just get blasted with this real bright light,” said Steven J. Grey, Total Traffic Helicopter.

You can make your home shine bright with the wildly popular display. But NBC News reported a few days ago that the lasers from the Star Shower light show affected a commercial aircraft.

Monday marks the second time the traffic crew told NBC 6 they were startled by holiday lights.

“It happened last week and once again this morning. People are just shining these laser lights up at us. People don’t realize we are flying in the very dimly lit cockpit of a helicopter and it’s dangerous,” Grey said.

If that was all, FFF could have relegated Watters to the Phony War on Christmas rubric and been done with it.

However, Jesse Watters’ most important role at the Fox “News” Channel is that he is the Managing Editor of Fox Nation, the running sewer which is another part of Fox’s internet real estate. Fox Nation posts the same crappy articles and videos as on the regular Fox “News” website, except for one important difference. The comment threads on Fox Nation are toxic dump sites, which is diametrically opposed to Fox Nation’s Statement of Purpose:

The Fox Nation is committed to the core principles of tolerance, open debate, civil discourse, and fair and balanced coverage of the news. It is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship.

We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation.

Which brings us full circle as to why Jesse Watters deserves this much attention. Last July NewsHounds asked the musical question, Why Is Fox Nation Harboring This Wannabe Murderer? This week it reports Fox News’ Murder-Plotting Fan Has Been Arrested, in which Ellen writes:

“Josey” was reported to authorities in June. In July, he was still making blatant threats, including the ones about StemExpress that seem to have finally gotten him arrested. Although the Sacramento Bee reports that “Fox News cooperated fully with the FBI in its investigation,” the question in my mind is why it was us, and not Fox News, who sicced the authorities on this guy. Or, at the very least, why he was not banned from commenting.

Fox Nation’s managing editor, Jesse Watters, likes to point fingers at African Americans for tolerating black crime. Dude, there’s a big, fat finger pointing right back atcha on this one.

Among other headlines noting the story were BUSTED: Feds arrest unhinged Fox News fan who spewed death threats against liberals and Obama and Fox News Commenter Arrested For Making Terrorist Threats. But, make no mistake, those murderous comments were not only tolerated, but encouraged by the racist and xenophobic comments allowed to remain at Fox Nation threads while “some people say” their mild Left Wing comments are routinely scrubbed.

Which proves my thesis from the first paragraph that Jesse Watters is one of the worst personalities appearing on the Fox “News” Channel.


Fox Declares War on Christmas Over After
CNN Wishes Audience a Merry Christmas

Fox News Christmas Warriors Go
After Brooklyn Public School Principal

THE NEVER-ENDING HATE-A-THON: Fox “News” is thrilled now that its years-long jihad against Madrasas-educated President Obama melds with its current anti-Islamic Crusade, creating one big fat meta-hate in the audience. Headlines that promote either also trade on the Fox “News” audiences fear:

Former FBI Official: The President Is Very Interested In Flooding This Country With People From The Middle East For Some ReasonLou Dobbs Teams Up With Extremist Pamela Geller To Suggest President Obama Has A Secret Jihad Agenda“Fox & Friends” flips out over judge sentencing pastor convicted of assault and battery against Muslim woman to learn about IslamPeter Johnson Jr. Has Conniption Fit Over Christian Minister “Forced” To Learn About IslamGOP Rep on Fox: ISIS Poses ‘Existential Threat’ to U.S., But So Might ObamaFox’s Bo Dietl: Profile People Who ‘Start Growing That Facial Hair’‘Not the Right Time or Place’: Fox Panel Flips Out Over Judge Swearing In on QuranMedia Food Chain: Fox Falsely Claims DHS Bars Screening Of Visa Applicants’ Social Media, Based On Unsourced ReportFlorida Sheriff Appears On FOX News Channel, Calls On Armed Citizens To Stop Terrorists

While The Falafel King hits the trifecta:

Bill O’Reilly Blames President
Obama And The Media For Republican
Embrace Of Donald Trump’s Bigotry

THE STOCKHOLM SYNDROME: That’s the only thing that explains the schizophrenic relationship between Fox “News” and guess who??? ‘The Worst!’: Trump Trashes Fox News Pundits at Campaign Rally. Call me crazy, but it’s fun to see that Donald Trump Is Going After Megyn Kelly And Fox News Again, because when Trump Reignites Megyn Kelly Feud on Twitter Ahead of CNN Debate, head hate honcho Rupert Murdoch Takes A Dig At ‘Thin-Skinned’ Trump. It’s the vast circle of life.

When Trump has finally been cast out of politics, we’ll know exactly who to blame for his initial rise because Fox & Friends Hosts Want Credit For Giving Trump “A Ton Of Time” On-Air “For Years.” No shame, really:

STEVE DOOCY: He’s historically gotten years of coverage right here on this program, on Fox & Friends. He was on at 7:00 on Monday mornings for years. But we really are fair and balanced. It’s not just a slogan, what we do is we try to balance everything out. We try to get all the viewpoints in so you can make an informed decision.

BRIAN KILMEADE: But how genius of our producers to understand that Donald Trump’s opinions were so important and so interesting. For four or five years we had him on every Monday because we had no idea what he was going to say. We took the top three topics and said here’s what Donald Trump is going to talk about on Monday. And every single time it was intriguing. And that’s why it was — now everyone’s realizing what we realized four years ago, whether you agree with him or not.

The Tarantula defends him, too:

Fox Host On Trump’s Threat To Run As
Third Party: “The RNC Wasn’t Being Very
Fair To Him And, Frankly, They’re Still Not”

An interesting read is Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly’s relationship status: It’s complicated, or you can just follow the bouncing ball of these headlines where Loofah Lad either defends Trump or attacks him:

Fox’s Krauthammer: Trump’s Plan To Kill Relatives Of Terrorists Is “An Unbelievably Irresponsible, Semi-Insane Policy”O’Reilly Downplays Trump’s Plan To Kill Relatives Of Terrorists As Merely Political “Theater”Fox’s Krauthammer Stunned by O’Reilly Defending Trump on ‘Nonsensical’ ProposalO’Reilly, Krauthammer Battle Over Trump Support For Killing Terrorists’ FamiliesO’Reilly: Trump Doesn’t Mean Much of What He Says Literally, If He Did It’d Be ‘Frightening’Bill O’Reilly: Donald Trump Is No Ronald ReaganBill O’Reilly Mocks ‘Idiot Putin’ For Trump Endorsement

That’s why it was so amusing that Ted Koppel Compares Donald Trump To Benito Mussolini right to O’Reilly’s mug.

Further defense of Trump pushed by Fox “News” this week:

Rev. Franklin Graham Gives
A Thumbs Up To Donald Trump’s
Plan To Bar Muslims From U.S.

Fox Contributor: “We Gotta Start Profiling …
When People Start Growing That Facial Hair”

Fox Contributor Says Trump “Is Right”
About “Stopping The Immigration” After
LA Schools Close Over Bomb Threat

Fox’s Allen West Hypes Hoax Of An ISIS
Inspired Stabbing Of Teacher At French
Preschool [after it had already been debunked]


Bill O’Reilly: It’s Terrorism To Cancel
A School Play Over Religious References

THE TARANTULA STRIKES AGAIN: Fox Host: Everything Obama “Is Doing Is The Antithesis Of Being Pro-American”

ANDREA TANTAROS: This is why people ask what side is he on. Whose side is he on? Everything he is doing is the antithesis of being pro-American. Everything. You can’t imagine the body count. How many soldiers were killed looking for Bowe Bergdahl? In exchange we traded five of the top, top jihadists that will return to that battlefield. It’s complete insanity. And all he cares about is his political legacy. These families that have lost loved ones that searched to capture those Gitmo detainees that he is releasing. And you know what he cares about? Hurt feelings. He cares about the hurt feelings of people in this country that are trying to kill us. It is unbelievably anti-American at its core. And it infuriates the American people and it’s the only thing Republicans should talk about from now until election day.

Because smearing the POTUS is so pro-‘Merkin.

SEAN OF THE DEAD: Despite all evidence to the contrary there was a fawning article published this week called Mr. Nice Guy: Sean Hannity, Cheerleader For The GOP — And A Relic At Fox News? To get the opposite impression all the author would have needed to do was read the following articles . . .

Sean Hannity On The Death Of Freddie Gray: “He [Was] Obviously Not A Pillar Of The Community”

Hannity accuses Colbert of bringing ‘left wing radical agenda’ to The Late Show

Fox’s Sean Hannity To Sen. Rand Paul: “I’m Not So Sure If I Agree With All The Geneva Conventions”

. . . or contacted Hal from North Bergen.


‘You Are Too Thin-Skinned!’: O’Reilly Confronts
Trump for Complaining About Fox Coverage

Steve Doocy, Tucker Carlson Tell Hate
Filled Lies To Attack Truth Telling Journalist

Mediaite dangles clickbait:

Bill O’Reilly Was Shocked to
Find Out Which Big TV Liberal
Is a Distant Cousin of His

While NewsHounds provides the spoiler:

Bill O’Reilly And Bill Maher Are Distant Cousins

PROOF OF BIAS? I’ve always maintained it’s not what a reporter reports that it important, it’s what a reporter chooses not to report that shows their bias. Exhibit A: So called straight-news anchor Megyn Kelly’s Fawning Interview With Fiorina Overlooks Her Falsehoods About Generals Quitting Under Obama.

In fact, Keane is a Fox News contributor who never served under Obama. Yesterday, Keane appeared on Fox Business’ Varney & Co., to debunk Fiorina’s claim. He said, “No, I have never spoken to the president. That’s not accurate, and I never served this administration. I served the previous administration.”

But there was no such awkwardness for Fiorina with Megyn Kelly on The Kelly File last night. In fact, every moment of their time together seemed devoted to accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative.

That despite the fact that a Fox Contributor Calls Out Carly Fiorina’s Debate Lie.

FOX BYTES: Fox’s ‘Objective’ Pemmaraju Lets Her Right-Wing Bias Fly On Twitter • O’Reilly Gloats Over Stephen Colbert’s Not-So-Great Late Show RatingsFox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade took the Facebook Rapid Fire Q&A Challenge today and revealed his thoughts on Jimmy Fallon, Muhammad Ali, and Bill O’Reilly.Fox Guest Calls Gun-Free Zones ‘Victim-Killing Zones’Conservative actress tells Fox: Darth Vader is black because it’s in the Bible and ‘Jesus talks about it’‘Be Honest About This’: Greta Confronts Freddie Gray Family Attorney Over Mistrial

Headly Westerfield wishes he had known that smarmy punk Jesse Watters was just a half mile from the Not Now Silly Newsroom.

Headly Westerfield
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