Top Senate Democrats Tell John Boehner To Shut Down Bogus Benghazi Investigation


Top Senate Democrats are calling on John Boehner to immediately stop wasting taxpayer money by disbanding his Select Committee investigating Benghazi.

The letter from Sens. Harry Reid (D-NV) and Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Patty Murray (D-WA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) said, “It is unconscionable that the U.S. House of Representatives is continuing to use millions of dollars in taxpayer funds for political purposes, and we urge you to immediately disband the Select Committee on Benghazi.”

Sen. Boxer sent a separate letter to Boehner calling for the disbandment of the Special Committee because the investigation is a sham, “Every American should be outraged by this politically motivated sham. It is time to disband this committee, which is clearly not focused on a tragedy but on a political smear campaign. I believe the Committee is an abuse of taxpayer funds.”

By publicly confirming what Democrats already knew, Rep. McCarthy (R-CA) has forced the media to cover the Benghazi hearing as a partisan political stunt. House Republicans have lost their plausible deniability.

Benghazi was always a cover story for the real mission of digging up dirt on Hillary Clinton. Democrats and the Clinton campaign are now free to dismiss the email scandal as Republican politics as usual.

Republicans put all of their eggs into the Benghazi basket only to watch Rep. McCarthy rip the basket out of their hands, throw it on the ground and set it on fire.

The real scandal was never Benghazi or Clinton’s emails. The real crime was the Republican abuse of power and waste of taxpayer funds.

Jason Easley
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