trump mobile rally

Trump Tells His White Mobile, AL Audience He Was Right. Illegal Immigrants Are Rapists.

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 06:11 pm

trump mobile rally

Donald Trump began his rally in Mobile, Alabama by claiming that he was correct about illegal immigrants being rapists.

Trump began his rally by insinuating that he was correct about illegal immigrants being rapists and used a scare tactic on his lily white audience. Trump said, “Between what happened in San Francisco….The other day in California, last week, a woman, 66 years old a veteran was raped, sodomized tortured and killed by an illegal immigrant. We have to do it. We have to do something.”

This rally is just beginning, but the tone of the event reeks of racism and bigotry. There is something very ugly about a candidate who appeals to the very worst elements in our society drawing a record crowd to a region with such a troubled racial past.

The fact that Trump’s message would draw so well in the pockets of the country where bigotry is at its strongest speaks volumes about the ugliness of the message Trump is selling.

The reason Trump will destroy the Republican Party’s chances of winning in 2016 is because he is revealing who the GOP really is. Donald Trump is running an entire presidential campaign on bigotry and racism.

Donald Trump message of making America great again has a sinister dual meaning. By making America great, Republicans mean electing a white, male, conservative president. The Trump movement can be viewed as an extension of the desire of white male conservatives to return to power.

Trump is appealing to the very worst in America. Illegal immigrants are not rapists, and the fact that Trump chose to begin his biggest rally with a racist scare tactic speaks volumes about his campaign and the Republican Party.

Jason Easley
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