Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 06:10 pm
As much as Friday Fox Follies wants to move on from the topic of Donald T-Rump and Fox “News,” there’s always time to acknowledge validation, especially since he’s still sucking all the oxygen out of the 2016 Presidential Race.
Last week’s FFF, Fibs, Frankenstein and Fabulosity, likened Fox “News” to Dr. Frankenstein and Trump to his monster. This week “Two” Cenk Uygur Discusses The Donald Trump Frankenstein Fox Helped Create.
After Trump proved the emptiness of the “Fair and Balanced” slogan last week, Fox “News” waved the White Flag this week. It came after Donald Trump on Fight with Fox: ‘I Love Roger But You Ask Him Who Won’ because Donald Trump: Megyn Kelly Probably Took Vacation Because of Me.
Rather than leave well-enough alone, Fox News Responds to Rumors That Megyn Kelly Went on Vacation Because of Trump, while Fox News Blasts Trump Over ‘Conspiracy Theories’ About Megyn Kelly’s Vacation.
Still pursuing MAD [Mutually Assured Destruction] politics, and always needing someone new to attack, After Tiff With Megyn Kelly, Trump Engages In War With Fox’s Frank Luntz merely because Fox’s Frank Luntz Goes on Tirade Against Trump’s Personality; Of Course, Trump Wants Him Fired.
The participants in Luntz’s focus group bashed the real estate mogul’s performance and called Trump “mean” and “bombastic.” Trump was quick to criticize the focus group, calling Luntz a “clown” and a “low class slob” on Twitter.
Before the debate, Luntz allegedly told attendees at a South Carolina fundraiser that Trump is “addicted” to attention and could hurt the Republican Party, according to Politico.
FFF was also validated, since I’m tipping my own hat as I blow my own horn, when I wrote about how the Megyn Kelly Debate Debacle™ has created fissures in the monolithic public face of those who watch Fox “News” for their own validation. Newshounds recently published Our Megyn Kelly Hate Mail, while Mediaite asks the musical question Is This Anti-Megyn Kelly Breitbart Piece the Stupidest of All Time? As noted, it’s a symbiotic relationship, which begs the question Does Fox News Need Trump More Than Trump Needs Fox News?
Not that she needed his help, but Shep Smith Defends Megyn Kelly: Trump Needs to Be ‘Held Accountable’ while appearing on Late Night with Seth Myers’ show:
Smith went on to defend the way his colleague Megyn Kelly treated Trump during the first Republican debate. He said Fox only became “part of the story” because she “asked a relevant question that the candidate didn’t want to answer.”
“At some point he’s going to have to have an answer for that,” Smith said of Trump’s misogynistic history. “Just as all the candidates have to be held accountable for all that they’ve done to this point, it’s part of the process.” The fact that Trump turned the question around onto Kelly was “telling” for Smith and he said he hoped CNN would press him just as hard at the next debate.
As for Fox’s defense of Kelly, Smith said, “Miss Megyn does not need our help.”
Proving she doesn’t care if she goes against the grain, Fox’s Dana Perino Blasts Her Colleagues ‘Asinine’ Support For Trump’s ‘Immigration plan. But who could she be possibly be talking about? Oh right, those Three Stooges on the Curvy Couch:
Fox & Friends Openly Promotes
Trump Campaign on Twitter
Fox & Friends Applauds Donald Trump’s Use Of
“Disparaging” Term To Describe Children Of Immigrants
Fox’s Steve Doocy repeats white supremacist myth:
14th Amendment is for slaves, not ‘anchor babies’
However, as Media Matters pointed out, on Monday it was all A “Remarkable Political Document”: Fox & Friends Praises Trump’s Immigration Plan, and on Tuesday Fox’s Steve Doocy: Trump’s Immigration Plan Is “A Dream List For Many Who Have Wanted Immigration Reform For A Long Time.” Yet by Wednesday, Fox & Friends: Donald Trump “Can’t Kick Out 11 Million People… It’s Not Practical.” That deescalated fast.
No sooner did we learn that former-Foxer and half-time Governor Sarah Palin Returning to Cable News at One America News Network than Sarah Palin to Greta: I’m ‘So Happy’ with Trump.
The Continued Fox “News” War Against Women:
It’s a toss-up whether Bully Boy Bolling or Sean Scammity is the biggest Trump cheerleader at Fox, but when Glenn Beck [asks]: Why Does Sean Hannity Support Unprincipled Donald Trump?!, as day follows night Sean Hannity Defends “Impressive And Refreshing” Trump From Glenn Beck:
Beck last week questioned why Hannity and other conservative pundits like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Michael Savage were “supporting” Trump. He has previously labeled Trump “the biggest flaming [ass] that you could possibly imagine” and the “most arrogant man I have ever seen.”
Hannity responded in an August 16 letter posted on his website, concluding that while he is “personally undecided” about who to support, he is “glad Donald Trump is in this race. I like his straightforward outsider’s view of politics. His personality and background are impressive and refreshing. I like anybody who is not politically correct.”
Hannity continued of Trump: “I hope his outspokenness and his courage rubs off on his fellow Republicans, who have all become stale, timid, weak, and generally (especially in DC) useless. Many Republicans can learn a thing or two from Trump.”
The two tee vee charlatans know what makes good tee vee, so Hannity and Beck Finally Face Off over Donald Trump. Watch:
This is how crazy this election has gotten, Wilmore Can’t Believe He’s Saying This, but: ‘Bill O’Reilly Is Correct!’ On one hand, Bill “Loofah” O’Reilly: Trump Has Stimulated the Debate by Calling Out the Cowards, but then O’Reilly: Trump Must Not Appear More Extreme Than The Far Left.
While I never thought I’d agree with her, Ann Coulter Slams Bill O’Reilly: ‘Good God, He’s Stupid,’ but I was relieved to learn Ann Coulter Attacks Bill O’Reilly For Defending The 14th Amendment. In other words, she’s for Trump, too.
Because he always embarrasses himself when the issue is Black folk, Bill O’Reilly Pleasantly Surprised Blacks And Whites Got Along At Mixed-Race Concert. Meanwhile, O’Reilly Accuses Cornel West of Wanting to Take Away All His Stuff. Because he always embarrasses himself when the issue is Liberals: Bill O’Reilly: We’re All Gonna Die Because Liberals Don’t Punish The Poor Enough!
FOX BYTES: Patrick Stewart’s dazzling Fox News parody: Watch the “Star Trek” legend brilliantly lampoon right-wing cable TV • Shannon Bream Facilitates E.W. Jackson’s Lie About Margaret Sanger • Watch Nomiki Konst Shoot Down Hannity’s Attack On Planned Parenthood • Fox’s The Five Hosts Embrace View That Government Assistance Is “A Way To Keep Minorities Enslaved” • Sign Of The Apocalypse? Fox & Friends Promotes “Eco-Friendly Homes” • Fox’s Kilmeade: Trump Citing Fox Contributor John Bolton As A “Military Expert” Was His “Weakest Point” During NBC Interview • Fox Falsely Claims Latest Video “Proves” Planned Parenthood Failed To Obtain Consent For Tissue Donations • Will Megyn Kelly Follow Up On Josh Duggar’s Adultery? • On Hannity, Nomiki Konst Explains The Falsehoods Behind The Latest Anti-Planned Parenthood Video
Headly Westerfield is the Head Writer at the Not Now Silly Newsroom and hosts Fox Follies & Fallacies on the facebookery.
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