Rand Paul Goes Crazy and Claims Obama Indicted His Super PAC Chief To Cost Him The Election


The head of Sen. Rand Paul’s super PAC has been indicted on conspiracy charges stemming from illegal activities that took place during the 2012 Iowa caucus, and Rand Paul thinks that President Obama is to blame.

The Hill reported:

The FBI has charged three members of former Texas Rep. Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign with conspiracy, including Jesse Benton, who now runs the pro-Rand Paul super-PAC America’s Liberty.

According to the indictment, Benton, Paul’s former Campaign Manager John Tate, and former Deputy Campaign Manager Dimitrios Kesari arranged payments of more than $70,000 to former Iowa Sen. Kent Sorenson to switch his endorsement from former Rep. Michele Bachmann, who was also running for president at the time.

The three have been charged with conspiracy, submitting false campaign expenditure reports and submitting false records to obstruct an investigation. Benton has also been charged with making false statements to the FBI.

The Paul camp has done what they do best. They have responded to the indictments by putting on their tinfoil hats and screaming conspiracy. A spokesman for the Paul campaign said, “Senator Rand Paul is disappointed that the Obama justice department chose to release this just prior to the highly anticipated first Republican presidential debate; it certainly appears suspiciously timed and possibly, politically motivated. Additionally, these actions are from 2012 and have nothing to do with our campaign.”

The statement from the Paul campaign was total nonsense because the scandal in Iowa has been under FBI investigation for years. This is the same scandal that forced Michele Bachmann to “retire” from Congress in order to avoid punishment. Paul’s claim of political sabotage might have some merit if his presidential campaign wasn’t such a complete failure. Politico recently looked inside the Paul campaign and found, “Interviews with more than a dozen sources close to the Kentucky senator, all of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity, painted a picture of an underfunded and understaffed campaign beaten down by low morale.”

Rand Paul’s campaign sounds like a miserable slog to nowhere. Sen. Paul isn’t leading in any polls, and he is not in the top tier of the Republican field. Paul’s attempt to keep his father’s libertarian fans while courting the Republican establishment has resulted in the worst of all worlds and left the campaign listlessly floating in a sea of inconsistent mediocrity. In a Republican field that is being run by billionaire donors, Paul doesn’t have the big money. More importantly, Rand Paul doesn’t seem to have much desire to be president.

The idea that the evil Obama is trying to sink his campaign may help him raise a few more bucks with his next money bomb, but it is absolutely insane for anyone to suggest that Obama is trying to take down Rand Paul.

The campaign of Sen. Rand Paul has already sunk.

Jason Easley
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