bill maher do bee

Bill Maher Takes Republicans To School By Pointing Out Everything That Obama Got Right

bill maher do bee

Bill Maher schooled Republicans on their foreign policy failures while delivering a lesson on President Obama’s successes.


Maher did part of the segment in the style of Romper Room’s Do Bee/Don’t Bee:

Romper Room went off in 1994, which is a shame because Misters Do Bee and Don’t Bee would have been perfect to help us illustrate our national Do This, Not That Day.

For example, after an attack on America, Mr. Don’t Bee panics and invades the wrong country. Mr. Do Bee focuses on the real attacker and shoots him in the face.

Mr. Don’t Bee makes up stories about nukes in Iraq that don’t exist.

Mr. Do Bee makes a treaty with Iran, so that they don’t build nukes at all.

Mr. Don’t Bee tortures prisoners.

Mr. Do Bee says that sounds bad.

Mr. Don’t Bee gets his actionable intel from Jesus.

Mr. Do Bee gets his from tapping your phone.

Mr. Do Bee’s best foreign policy move brings our casualty rate down by about sixty-percent.

Mr. Don’t Bee’s best foreign policy move was dodging a shoe.


We’ve learned nothing. The Republican campaign trail today is the same empty tough-guy talk from chicken hawks. The same as it was in 2003.

Every time that Democrats bring up Bush and their party’s many failures, Republicans respond that Democrats are living in the past, but it isn’t the Democrats who are living in the past. Consider that the Republican foreign policy ideology hasn’t changed since Bush declared Mission Accomplished twelve years ago. Republican members of Congress and presidential candidates are trying to destroy the deal with Iran on their nuclear program while refusing to take war with Iran off the table.

Republicans are itching to repeat the failures of the Bush foreign policy. The party’s frontrunner not only shares a set of parents with the former president, he also shares a staff and an ideology. Republicans got it all wrong on foreign policy, and Obama got it right.

At home, Republicans are wrong when they claim that tax cuts create jobs. They were completely wrong about the Affordable Care Act. They are wrong on same-sex marriage, immigration reform, and women’s rights. They are wrong in their belief that the country can cut its way to a balanced budget. On issue after issue, they are wrong.

If Republicans nominate Jeb Bush, they will confirm the obsession with their failed past. Bill Maher needed to explain the mistakes in childlike terms because Republicans are children who are stuck in a perpetual state of failure.

Jason Easley
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