While many Americans are still outraged over the 47 Republican senators’ “open letter” to Iran, there are a new batch of idiots asking to join the “propaganda ploy.” Shortly after the “press release” was made public, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and former Texas governor Rick Perry nearly wet themselves asking to join the children posing as U.S. senators. Likely, Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent, and Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson will be begging to sign the letter soon.
There has been a raging chorus clamoring for legal action against the mentally-challenged 47 for everything from violating the Logan Act to sedition to treason and nearly everything in-between. However, there will be no charges filed because as painful as it is to admit; the 47 are not guilty of treason or sedition or violating the Logan Act. As obvious as it may seem that they are traitors, according to the U.S. Code even that charge is doubtful. Although their goal was interfering with “measures of the United States,” the Iranians are smart and took the open letter for exactly what it was; pathetic propaganda and a gross display of Republican ignorance of the Constitution and international law. It is what one expects from a bunch of petulant punks who are too stupid to understand they embarrassed themselves by lacking even an eighth-grader’s understanding of the document the swore to uphold.
First, the letter was a press release; it was not a personal communication sent to Iran’s leaders. It is also not evident their goal was causing harm to the United States or overthrowing the government. What they are guilty of is hubris and being cretins, and although they seriously deserve to be harshly punished for having the audacity to think they have power over the President leading America’s participation in United Nations Security Council negotiations; the best Americans can hope for is they are humiliated. But that is not likely though because childish malcontents, and Republicans, are never embarrassed.
What is also curious, is the various pundits asking what the 47 hoped to accomplish. Even Hillary Clinton said, “one has to ask, what was the purpose of this letter?” Clinton proffered what she said were “two logical answers. Either these senators were trying to be helpful to the Iranians or harmful to the commander-in-chief in the midst of high-stakes international diplomacy. Either answer does discredit to the letters’ signatories.” The truth, and true purpose of the letter, has really never been in question; specifically because the filthy little neo-con who originated it has broadcast the purpose for the world to hear for months.
Freshman Tom Cotton, the neo-con Senator from Arkansas admitted openly the purpose in organizing the “open letter” to Iran is derailing the United Nations P5+1 negotiations to expedite an Israeli-started war with Iran for “regime change.” In fact, in January while addressing other neo-cons at an event hosted by the advocacy group Heritage Action for America he said; “The end of these negotiations isn’t an unintended consequence of congressional action. It is very much an intended consequence. A feature, not a bug, so to speak.” Cotton has made no secret that he wants and is working to see that the negotiations fail which is why corrupt John Boehner invited Netanyahu to fear-monger Congress into passing legislation to derail the negotiations.
Fear mongering Cheney, Bush, and Netanyahu-style is not unique to Cotton. He won his Senate seat in Arkansas by telling frightened imbeciles that he would fight for their very survival as their senator because “ISIS and Mexican drug cartels joining forces to attack Arkansas is an urgent problem.” He also made sure to inspire really scary images of Nazis for conservatives when he went on to compare American participation in international negotiations with Iran to the appeasement of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
In fact, Cotton is a Cheney, McCain, Cruz, Graham, and George W. Bush perpetual war supporter on steroids. He is as staunch an advocate for incredibly higher defense spending and pre-emptive war everywhere as he is for cutting all domestic spending. He subscribes to the Bush aggressive foreign policy agenda and as The New Republic noted, no matter the geographical region in question, whether it is Syria, Iran, Russia, ISIS, or apparently Mexico, “Cotton can be found at the hawkish outer edge of the debate.” To say there is never a war he would not support is a gross understatement. In fact, Cotton has made perpetual calls for immediate military intervention in Iran for regime change a la Bush and Iraq. In December, a month before being sworn in as a senator, he called for America to supply Israel with B-52s and bunker busting bombs to use in their imminent strike against Iran; a strike that guarantees America’s entrance in a war on Iran for regime change and to heap untold wealth on the defense and oil industry.
It should come as no surprise then, that after issuing the “open letter” to derail talks with Iran, the very next day Cotton made an appearance at an “Off the Record and strictly Non-Attribution” event with the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA). NDIA is a very powerful conservative lobbying and professional group for defense contractors advocating for America’s next Middle East war. The Arkansas warmonger met with leaders of the military industrial complex made up of executives from all the major military businesses such as Northrop Grumman, L-3 Communications, ManTech International, Boeing, Oshkosh Defense, and Booz Allen Hamilton, among other many other firms. It is noteworthy that the B-52s and bunker-busting bombs Cotton wants America to ‘give’ to Israel to bomb Iran are both items manufactured by Boeing; a major NDIA member.
When the NDIA director of legislative policy, Jimmy Thomas, was asked if Cotton was going talk about the success and progress toward war with his open letter to Iran he said “Most members talk about everything from the defense budget to Iran…so it’s highly likely that he will address that in his remarks.” What should be frightening to Americans is that the NDIA helps shape conservative legislative policy and gets regular updates on conservatives’ progress in serving Israel’s push for an American war with Iran. Thomas said bringing Cotton in to apprise the defense industry of progress on a war with Iran was scheduled in January, and that “certainly we bring people to the platform that have influence directly on our issues.”
Maybe even stupid Americans can think back to the last neo-con who wanted “regime change” in another Middle East country (Iraq) at Benjamin Netanyahu’s urging. That turned out so well for the nation that America’s debt will increase another $4 trillion over the next decade for the “regime change” war, 655 thousand innocent Iraqi civilians were massacred, and it created the Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, IS) extremists that the Islamic Republican of Iran is helping America fight. Through it all, the Koch brothers, Dick Cheney’s Halliburton, and the military industrial complex earned hundreds of billions over a war neo-cons pushed for regime change. In fact, creating profit for the defense industry is part and parcel of Cotton’s purpose in organizing the “open letter” press release everyone is up-in-arms over.
It is too bad there is no punitive damage to wreak on the Republican signatories to Cotton’s “open letter.” Whether they are traitors is dependent on how one perceives a group of neo-con warmongers that had to be taken to school by Iran’s foreign minister for a 2nd grade lesson in international law and how the Constitution works at the most basic level. There have been calls to “summarily arrest the punks and throw em’ in slam” to “assembling a Seal Team to regulate their traitorous asses.” As appealing as those actions might be to many, many Americans, it is reasonable to assume that having a foreigner teach them the ‘nuances of their own Constitution‘ and the basic premise of ‘international agreements‘ would suffice…for now.
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