Last updated on March 1st, 2015 at 06:42 am
There’s nothing Friday Fox Follies likes least than to repeat a topic from last week because new jokes are hard to find. No matter. When Bill O’Reilly Goes Ballistic On Eric Engberg, David Corn, Calls Bob Schieffer A ‘Plagiarist‘ this reporter must follow the truth, no matter where it goes. And, it goes like this:
Despite bluff, bombast, and blarney Bill O’ has yet to produce a scintilla of evidence to counter the impression that he’s a lying weasel, trying to make this about semantics. Yet, when you compare Bill O’Reilly’s “Combat Situation” Reporting, In His Own Words to the truth, the truth wins every time:
O’Reilly Deceptively Cites Report In Defense Of Argentina Claims
Bill O’Reilly Cites His Sexy Spy Novel As Proof Of ‘Combat’ Experience
Meanwhile, people who were actually there, like Former CBS Colleagues Refute Bill O’Reilly’s “Combat” Reporting Claims. There are now comprehensive lists of All The Journalists Disputing Bill O’Reilly’s Falklands War Tales. Even Veteran War Reporters: O’Reilly’s Falklands Fibs Violate “Journalism 101” as O’Reilly’s “Combat Situation” Reporting Problem Just Got Worse. Headlines such as Bill O’Reilly’s Claim That “Many Were Killed” Rejected By Argentine Historian and Argentine historian disputes Bill O’Reilly’s claim of protest fatalities started to stack up as the week continued.
As the headlines came fast & furious, Media Matter asked the musical question: So Where’s Fox News’ Internal Review Of O’Reilly’s Disputed “Combat” Tales? and then sings to the choir: A Real News Outlet Would Launch One. The best defense is a good offense, which is why Under Scrutiny For Fabrications, O’Reilly Shifts Focus To Claim Fox News Is Under Siege.
Forget the Falklands. As the week wore on O’Reilly became the anti-Gump: inserting himself into news events when he wasn’t really there: O’Reilly’s Dramatic JFK Story Discredited by Former Colleagues, because As O’Reilly Spins, New Sources Further Undermine His JFK Story. That meant it was time for Fox “News” to circle the wagons as Fox Goes Quiet Following O’Reilly-JFK Revelation.
Forget the Falklands. More O’Reilly Credibility Questions: Murder Of El Salvador Nuns Edition featuring Another Fabrication: O’Reilly Never Witnessed The Murder Of Nuns In El Salvador. As Media Matters’ Olivia Marshall tells us, “O’Reilly’s Claim To Have Seen Nuns ‘Shot In The Back Of The Head’ Contradicted By His Own Timeline.” It’s easy to see that O’Reilly Apparently Contradicted Himself on Witnessing Nun Killings; Bill Responds that he saw IMAGES of nuns being killed.
By the same token this humble correspondent was gassed during World War One.
Forget the Falklands. Another shoe drops: Bill O’Reilly’s ex-colleagues call his L.A. riot stories ‘completely fictitious’. Did Bill O’Reilly Fabricate His L.A. Riot ‘Bombardment’ Story? As Bill O’Reilly’s LA riots ‘bombardment’ stories disputed by former colleagues maybe it’s simply time to discount everything he says because Stewart Tears into O’Reilly: ‘No One’s Watching Him for the Actual Truth’. Watch:
Despite Bill’s ugly language MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell [believes]: O’Reilly’s Threats to Journos Just ‘Irish Bluster’ overlooking Bill O’Reilly’s Long Record Of Threatening, Ambushing And Attacking Reporters.
Why the Bill O’Reilly charges aren’t sticking is a question being asked and answered. Readers: Bill O’Reilly will skate this one even though “Over half think the Fox News host’s war stories are lies.”
At least it’s been good for ratings, which is what the brain-dead Fox “News” audience always cites when one brings up Fox “News” lies:
Monday Cable Ratings: O’Reilly Posts Huge
Numbers While Addressing ‘War Zone’ Controversy
Is this Fox & Friends regular the new Bill O’? Fox 5 Chief Investigative Reporter Told Different Versions Of “Home Invasion” Story That Propelled Her Into Gun Advocacy:
In a February 26 article, Wemple, who writes a reported opinion blog on the media, described how Miller has changed her account of the burglary in order to “please” a pro-gun audience.
In her first post for Washington Times’ gun blog and in her book Miller described encountering “a man coming from the house” and hours later realized he had been inside and taken her wallet after receiving a phone call from her credit card company.
But in subsequent tellings, including a dramatization of the story by the National Rifle Association for it’s All Access series, Miller claimed to have encountered the man inside of the home and needing to “talk him out of the house without” being harmed.
We’ll miss him: Proving, once again, The Daily Show has been the best video critic of Fox “News” since the documentary “Outfoxed,” Jon Stewart Takes On The Right Wing: How Do You Poison A Cyanide Factory?
Stewart challenged Fox to a “lie-off” at the beginning of the segment and showed lots of examples of why they’re going to lose that contest and said they’ve got more available on The Daily Show’s web site. Once again the denizens of B*llsh*t Mountain are on the losing side of a battle with Jon Stewart.
Thankfully it included a handy tool for FFF to use when the brain-dead Fox “News” audience cites ratings:
50 Fox “News” lies in 6 seconds:
It’s mesmerizing to watch.
FOX WTF? After a Local Fox Anchor Twice Uses Racial Slur As She Says Lady Gaga Performs “Jigaboo Music,” she claimed she didn’t even know it was a word. A more fulsome apology didn’t stem the torrent of righteous anger, so Local Fox anchor pulled off air for 3 days after using racist ‘jigaboo’ slur during Oscars coverage. She’ll be back as if lying and racism are no big deal at Fox “News.”
Oh, wait!
Male Chauvinist Pig? We report, you decide. Here’s Fox’s Eric Bolling: “I’m Just Laughing” At The Idea That “Anything A Guy Can Do, A Woman Can Do Better.” Or just plain misogynist? Fox’s Bolling Explains Gender Pay Gap: “Men Take More Risks.”
BONUS POINTS: Fox’s Eric Bolling Manages to Make the Llama Chase About Al Sharpton
Male Chauvinist Libertarian? Aging frat boy Greg Gutfeld To Pilot New Weekend Primetime Show For Fox News Channel. Fox’s Greg Gutfeld Will Host New Weekend Show, Leave Red Eye. From the WikiWhackyWoo:
Red Eye w/Greg Gutfeld was originally named Wasteland in its early testing stages. At one time, a series of video clips of this early version were available on the Fox News website. The original name, Wasteland, was selected because the show was about “a land of waste” and meaninglessness. The show was later renamed Red Eye because the original name was thought to be too negative and would repel viewers.
But it would have been far more accurate.
FOX BYTES: Fox’s Tantaros Is Just Asking: “Is This White House Anti-Semitic?” • Elisabeth Hasselbeck Attacks Professor – Neo-Nazi Death Threats Follow! • Sean Hannity Tries To Validate Rudy Giuliani’s Accusations That Obama Doesn’t Love America • Fox’s Kilmeade: Republicans Should Not Be Held Responsible For Giuliani Comments • Fox News Adopts GOP Smear Attempt On Net Neutrality, Dubbing It “Obamanet” • After FCC Passes Net Neutrality, Fox Attacks New Rules As Government Power Grab That Will Slow Down The Internet • Fox News Analyst Calls Obama the Reincarnation of Pontius Pilate • Fox News Calls Out Eric Holder for Skipping Them in Exit Interviews • On Fox, Franklin Graham Claims Obama Admin “Has Been Infiltrated By Muslims” • Ted Cruz and Sean Hannity talk pot on the ‘Magical Mystery Hannity Hour’ at CPAC
Headly Westerfield has reported from the battlefield on the Fox “News” Phony War on Christmas every year since the ’30s.
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