In Private Meeting Hillary Clinton Asks Elizabeth Warren For Suggestions And Ideas

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 01:40 pm


Hillary Clinton met privately with Sen. Elizabeth Warren to seek out her suggestions and policy ideas as she begins to shape her 2016 presidential campaign message.

The New York Times reported:

Hillary Rodham Clinton held a private, one-on-one meeting with Senator Elizabeth Warren in December at Mrs. Clinton’s Washington home, a move by the Democrats’ leading contender in 2016 to cultivate the increasingly influential senator and leader of the party’s economic populist movement.

The two met at Whitehaven, the Clintons’ Northwest Washington home, without aides and at Mrs. Clinton’s invitation.

Mrs. Clinton solicited policy ideas and suggestions from Ms. Warren, according to a Democrat briefed on the meeting, who called it “cordial and productive.”

The news that Clinton sought out Warren indicates that she is not ignore the left in her campaign platform. The meeting is also another nail in the coffin of the fading progressive hopes that Elizabeth Warren might challenge former Sec. Clinton for the Democratic nomination. If Warren were intending to run, she wouldn’t be holding friendly meetings and swapping ideas with Clinton.

There is no better person to talk to, outside of Bernie Sanders , than Elizabeth Warren on the issues of Wall Street and income inequality. Former Sec. Clinton was smart to sit down with Warren. The meeting also demonstrates that the rise of the liberals in Congress is real. Mrs. Clinton doesn’t appear to be repeating the mistakes of her 2008 campaign.

She is reaching out to the people on the left like Elizabeth Warren in order to find the ideas that will shape her campaign. Elizabeth Warren isn’t running for president, but a productive relationship with the likely Democratic nominee could mean a place in a potential Hillary Clinton administration for one of the Democratic Party’s rising stars.

Jason Easley
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