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Friday Fox Follies – Falsehoods and Fallacies

No sooner than beheadings were becoming old hat, ISIS upped the horror by burning a hostage alive. Fox Airs ISIS Execution After Previously Blasting Media Outlets For Airing “Terrorist Propaganda” and Fox Decision to Publish Jordanian Pilot’s Death Video Lacks Consistency were just 2 of the stories that noticed the Fox Flip-Floppery.

Yet, after Fox News Posts Entire ISIS Video Depicting Jordanian Pilot’s Death Online it paid off BIG TIME because Fox News Gets Big Online Traffic for Embedded ISIS Video. Pretending it’s not all about the clicks, Fox News Exec Explains Decision to Publish ISIS Execution Video; Fends Off Critics. But Conservative Sites Rush to Post ISIS Video After Fox Opens Floodgates. As expected there was plenty of criticism:

MSNBC Guest: Fox ‘Disseminating Terrorist
Propaganda’ by Hosting ISIS Video

CNN International Exec: ‘No Editorial
Justification’ for Showing ISIS Video

Fox News Criticized For Aiding ISIS By
Embedding Video Of Jordanian Pilot’s Murder

Some of it from inside the tent:

Chris Wallace Not Comfortable with
Fox Hosting ISIS Propaganda Video

Fox’s Howard Kurtz: “I Disagree With The
Fox Decision” To Air ISIS Execution Video

But, there’s always one nut who’ll defend watching Islamic Torture Porn:

Van Susteren on Posting ISIS Video: Fox ‘Did the Right Thing’

IRONY ALERT: Fox attacks Obama for promoting ISIS ‘propaganda’ after airing actual ISIS propaganda

IRONY ALERT #2: Fox “News” has been spending valuable time it could be using to attack President Obama by smearing NBC’s Brian Williams for his self-aggrandizing “lie,” as if it’s the most important news of the day.

FBN’s Imus and McGuirk: Brian Williams Needs to Go

Fmr. Lt. Col. on Fox: Lie Shows Brian
Williams ‘Doesn’t Respect the Military’

Bill O’Reilly Suspects Brian Williams
Made Up Story to Sound ‘Cool’

Yet Fox Falsehoods & Fallacies™ just go down the memory hole.

IRONY ALERT #3 Lookie who is defending Williams. Why if it isn’t the man who was kicked out of Iraq for exposing secret U.S. troop movements: Geraldo: People Attacking Brian Williams ‘From The Safety of Their Mother’s Basement Should Shut Up’

TODAY IN FOX “NEWS”: Extremely Rare Fox Seen in Yosemite—First Time in 100 Years; It’s too early to say if the Sierra Nevada red fox is rebounding, experts say.

IN A RELATED STORY: Extremely Rare Fox “News” Apology Seen in Wild—First Time in Who Knows How Long?; It’s too early to say if the Fox “News” apology is rebounding, experts* say:

Fox’s Stacey Dash Apologizes For Implying Some Sexual
Assault Victims Are “Bad Girls … Who Like To Be Naughty”

However, FFF sees no real apology. The “Clueless” actress [write your own joke] is not apologizing because she said something stupid and offensive. She’s apologizing because a joke she told fell flat, which merely made people believe she said something stupid and offensive.

However, ICYMI, here is Dash saying something stupid and offensive and blaming the victim:

Fox Host Suggests Some Campus Sexual Assault
Victims Are “Bad Girls … Who Like To Be Naughty”


NB: Dash is not “apologizing” for a falsehood, but for an opinion that rocked the Twitteropolis. Fox Falsehoods & Fallacies™ still stand.

THE NO SPIN ZONE GETS SCHOOLED AGAIN: Two weeks ago, in The “F” Words , FFF reported on the smack-down Mount Anthony Union High School, in Vermont, gave to Bill “Loofah” O’Reilly and his Mortimer Snerd puppet, Jesse Watters, on the journalistic malpractice of a previous Watters’ World segment on their school. FFF was looking forward when it appeared The Battle Between Vermont High School Students And Fox News Is About To Escalate! As WaPo’s Eric Wemple writes in Fox News’s Jesse Watters mocks Vermont high schoolers who criticized him:

True to his smart-aleck reputation, Watters took several swipes at the students, replaying their objections to his work and then refuting their refutations. Some were in good fun. For instance, the students objected to his characterizing Vermont as harboring “ski bums,” saying that this was an outdated cultural reference. Watters responded by showing a Vermont license plate: “SKI-BUM.” And Watters pointed to Gallup research attesting to Vermont’s liberal bent.

The lowlight, however, comes when Watters showcases two female Mount Anthony Union students disputing the sampling of interviewees in his July piece. They alleged that Watters had interviewed just six sources, all of them between 17 and 24 years old. “Have you ever heard of the phrase accurate demographic representation?” asked one of the girls in the video. As opposed to addressing that objection; as opposed to defending his sourcing; as opposed to debating the merits, Watters elected to demean these girls. And he did that by cutting to the scene from the 1993 film “Dazed and Confused” in which Matthew McConaughey (as David Wooderson) says, “That’s what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.”

After playing back another objection from the Mount Anthony Union video, Watters asked, “Did your nutty professor write this script for you?”

NewsHounds asks the musical question Is Bill O’Reilly Too Chicken To Face Vermont High School Students? and reports:

At the end of the interview, O’Reilly tried to distance himself from his own segment. “What a wise guy you are, beatin’ up those high school kids!” O’Reilly said to Watters. “How did I get dragged into this?” As if O’Reilly were just a lowly employee of the show.

O’Reilly took his own poke at the kids, saying, “I don’t know if they and their instructors quite understand the satiric element that you bring, see.” Then, as if to say the whole thing was just a big joke (on them, of course), O’Reilly continued, “And I’m addressing my comments now to the Bennington high school kids. Watters doesn’t really have a world. He just made it up.”

Just like all the other Fox Falsehoods & Fallacies™.

YOU CAN BUY THOSE FREUDIAN SLIPS AT FREDERICK’S: The Wussification of ‘Merka is a topic covered by Fox “News” so often one has to wonder whether it’s a classic case of projection. This week you could practically see Steve Doocy’s gonads shrink as he went to a woman to make his point for him:

Fox News Thinks Hollywood Is Waging A
War On Men By Casting Women As Heroes

‘Fox & Friends’ Host: ‘Frozen’ Depicts
Men as ‘Evil and Cold and Bumblers’

“It would be nice for Hollywood to
have more male figures in those kind
of movies as heroes,” Steve Doocy adds.

No, really. He said that. Watch:

It was so silly that even Chris Hayes Mocks Steve Doocy’s Frozen Panic: ‘Let It Go.’ Watch:

WHAT RHYMES WITH UPPITY? Country music’s Larry Gatlin turned up via satellite on to sing a lovely song to the Foxy Friends on Fox and Friends all about Representative Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL), who called Texas a “crazy state” earlier in the week.

Country Singer Threatens to ‘Open a
Cowboy Bootshop’ in Florida Dem’s Ass

Fox’s Doocy Calls Song About Kicking
Black Congressman’s Butt ‘Hilarious’

FFF remembers a time Gatlin filled in for Brain Brian Kilmeade on the Curvy Couch and hilarity ensued: If It’s Monday, It Must Be Brad Stine.

BONUS DOOCY FUN: Mute the tee vee when he’s on and he looks like an amiable dipsomaniac.

FOX BYTES: Lying Fox Host’s Head Explodes When Guest Blames CEO For Healthcare Glitch, Not ObamaLindsay Lohan, Dina Lohan suing Fox News Channel and Sean Hannity, report says • Fox Military Analyst: Execution of Jordanian Pilot Better than Best Goat Sex ISIS Ever HadFox’s Tucker Carlson: ‘Christianphobia’ Is ‘Super Common Among Educated’Hannity: “I’m Not Trusting President Obama To Tell Me Whether To Vaccinate My Kids”

* Headly Westerfield is a self-appointed Fox “News” expert, having written about the mendacious network for NewsHounds and later the Not Now Silly Newsroom. He currently operates the Facebookery Fox Follies & Fallacies.

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