Who is Endorsing Whom in Wisconsin Gubernatorial Race?

Scott Walker and Mary Burke

Scott Walker and Mary Burke

People use different criteria to determine who they will vote for. For some, it comes down to simple likes and dislikes, or a vote along party lines. Others dig deeper into the issues. Another criteria might be endorsements. Who likes your candidate? Who do you dislike that supports the other guy?

I have reached out to the Burke campaign for a full list of Mary Burke’s endorsements in the tight Wisconsin race against Republican Scott Walker, and meantime I have done some quick digging to figure out who supports whom.

For many it will be enough that Mary Burke has been endorsed by:

But she has also received endorsements from:

Unions also back Burke:

The Wisconsin Republican Party makes much of past union criticism of Mary Burke, but the fact is that the unions do endorse Mary Burke. If this is less support of Burke and more a rejection of Walker, it is still significant.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel supported Walker during the 2012 recall campaign, saying his recall was not justified. Unsurprisingly, given Walker’s stance on abortion, Wisconsin Right to Life and Pro-Life Wisconsin both stood by him in 2012, just as they had supported his election in 2010.

However, it turns out that as the progressive Capitol Times reported last week, though Walker’s website is claiming endorsement of Pro-Life Wisconsin, he does not actually have their endorsement in 2014 because he did not complete their “2014 candidate survey.”

Walker’s endorsements include a paradoxical match-up of:

The latter certainly puts paid to the former, but then Republicans only insist people be born; they’re more than happy to end them later.

It is certainly interesting that WRTL PAC chair Bonnie Pfaff would say in 2010 that “Scott Walker …[has] a deep and abiding respect for the value of human life,” given that the NRA actually seems to enjoy seeing people shot, which is hardly a respectful position.

For the NRA what matters is that Walker “rejects expanded licensing and registration schemes” that might tell us who actually owns which firearm. We can’t have that.

The “Save the Unborn, Screw the Post-born” campaign run by Republicans is consistently inconsistent in its support for actually being alive. Pro-life is certainly a debatable stance.

Walker has other endorsements as well:

If you judge these candidates by their endorsements, you can see pretty readily that as a liberal, you don’t want Scott Walker to stick around to stick it to Wisconsinites for four more years.

Photo from The Capital Times

Hrafnkell Haraldsson

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