A tyrant is defined as a dictator who has usurped legitimate sovereignty and wields ultimate control over everything, and is considered a ruler of horrible and massively oppressive character. According to both Plato and Aristotle, a tyrant is one who rules according to his own advantage rather than that of his subjects, and uses extremely cruel tactics against his own people for sheer pleasure. Since November 2008, a tyrant in Republican parlance is an African American man the people elected to serve as their President, and in fact, they were so convinced the President-elect was a tyrant they scheduled a conclave for inauguration night to subvert the African American man they called tyrant before his first day in office.
Republicans have spent over five-and-a-half years and myriad attempts to destroy the African American President, and because they failed miserably they are seeking redress from the courts by suing Barack Obama for being President while Black. On Wednesday when House Republicans voted to sue the President, they spent their floor time explaining they were seeking relief from the judicial system because the President did precisely what they asked; give small businesses extra time to prepare for the Affordable Care Act’s mandate to provide healthcare insurance to their employees.
That’s right; House Speaker John Boehner and Republicans are suing Barack Obama because they complained bitterly the ACA mandate was too much of a burden, and too soon for small businesses to comply and because the African American President they call a tyrant acquiesced and gave them what they wanted, they are suing him. Yesterday, House Speaker John Boehner had the temerity to demand the President take executive action to fix the Bush-Republican immigration law Boehner cannot get Republicans to pass, and this after authorizing the lawsuit against the President for doing what they wanted. It is noteworthy that several Republicans claimed if the President took executive action on immigration, they would impeach him for doing their job. Their problem with the President is not that he is a tyrant, but because he is a Black man doing what they refuse to do; work.
As far as the Republican House’s “standing” to sue the President for doing what they wanted, they have none because neither Speaker of the House John Boehner, nor any Republican suffered the loss of healthcare insurance due to the President’s executive order delaying compliance to the healthcare mandate. The American people provide the best healthcare for the Republicans who voted to sue the President prior to taking a paid five week hiatus for doing nothing for the people throughout the course of 2014. However, the Republican lawsuit has nothing whatsoever to do with “standing,” or loss of healthcare insurance, or because the President is a tyrant; it is solely because Barack Obama is an African American the people elected twice to be their President.
If the President’s race is not why Republicans call him a tyrant and are taking him to court for issuing an executive order delaying the requirement for small businesses to comply with the ACA mandate, then why did they not take George W. Bush to court for issuing a similar executive order delaying implementation of the unfunded Medicare prescription plan in 2006? In fact, a majority of the executive actions President Obama has taken, and earned calls of “tyrant” from Republicans, were exactly the same orders, including the same titles, that white president George W. Bush made earning accolades from Republicans. President Obama is not a tyrant, he is an African American President and because Republicans have failed to subvert his Presidency they intend to sue him for being a Black man in the White House. Something they cannot comport and have taken extreme measures to remedy.
Although the House Republican vote to sue the President is beyond despicable, and it is monumentally despicable, they have over the course of the past three-and-a-half years committed some of the most heinous acts to destroy the Obama presidency. They have twice threatened to force the nation to default on its credit, garnered the nation’s first-ever credit downgrade in its history, shutdown the government, attempted to scuttle a peaceful resolution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and obstructed each and every attempt to create jobs for the American people. It is beyond refute that Republicans hate this nation, and its people, but the level of racially-driven hatred of the African American man the people elected twice as President is as palpable among Republicans in Congress as the ignorant religious and racist voters who send them to Washington to subvert this President at any and all costs.
Republicans and their supporters were calling President Obama a tyrant, usurper, illegal, not an American, and an imperial President from his first days in office and it is all down to racial animus. Shortly after taking office, teabaggers compared President Obama to England’s King George III, and took to the streets claiming they were “taxed enough already” by the “tyrant” in the White House; despite the President just gave them tax cuts as part of the “stimulus” for economic relief after white-guy Bush and Republicans tanked the economy. Teabaggers were not protesting because they were overtaxed because they were just given tax cuts, they were protesting because an African American man was sitting in the Oval Office.
Republicans have made a mockery of governance for well-over five years, and it is all due to their racial animus toward Barack Obama they disguise with words like tyrant, executive overreach, dictator, and imperial president. However, according to the definition of tyrant, it is Republicans in Congress who have spent over five years attempting to wield ultimate control over everything, rule according to their own advantage rather than the people they were elected to serve, use extremely cruel tactics against their own constituents, and rule according to massively oppressive character. And what drives their tyranny against their fellow countrymen besides hatred of the people is their racially driven animus toward an African American in the White House. Now because they have failed to discredit and destroy Barack Obama’s Presidency they are taking him to court for the Confederate crime of being the President of the United States while being Black; not because he is a tyrant but because they are filthy despicable racists.
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