Hillary Clinton Lays Out Republicans For Wanting to Leave Soldiers Behind


Hillary Clinton isn’t messing around. When asked about the Bergdahl rescue, former Sec. of State Clinton suggested that the Republican opposition to the deal that brought an American soldier home was like wanting to leave a soldier behind.

According to the AP, the former Secretary of State said:

This young man, whatever the circumstances, was an American citizen — is an American citizen — was serving in our military. The idea that you really care for your own citizens and particularly those in uniform, I think is a very noble one.


You don’t want to see these five prisoners go back to combat. There’s a lot that you don’t want to have happen. On the other hand you also don’t want an American citizen, if you can avoid it, especially a solider, to die in captivity. I think we have a long way to go before we really know how this is going to play out.

The great hypocrisy is that the “controversy” over Bergdahl is being whipped up by many of the same conservatives who were calling for his release by any means necessary. Of course, when conservatives say any means necessary, they mean military force and bloodshed .

Republicans are trying to smear Sgt. Bergdahl because his release was obtained by President Obama. If a Republican president had made the same deal, conservatives would be waving the flag while dancing in the streets over the release of an “American hero.”

Former Sec. Clinton is correct. Until we know the terms and restrictions placed on the five prisoners that were sent Qatar, everything is guesswork and speculation. However, the idea that an American citizen and soldier should be left to die in captivity is repulsive.

Clinton had nothing to do with this decision, but the debate over whether or not the US government should try to free soldiers and citizens from captivity isn’t one that Republicans should want to have. Everything is anti-Obama politics for Republicans, but this bit of hypocrisy will come back to bite them on the backsides if they insist on playing this game with Hillary Clinton.

Jason Easley
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