John Boehner Joins The Impeachment Crowd By Claiming Obama is Lying About Benghazi and the IRS

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 06:05 pm


At a press conference that supposedly about jobs, Speaker of the House John Boehner joined the impeachment Obama crowd by claiming that Obama is lying about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and the IRS.


Boehner first promised that the Republican Benghazi investigation would not be a circus, “This is all about getting to the truth. This is not going to be a sideshow. This is not going to be a circus. This is a serious investigation. Our system of government depends on transparency and accountability.”

Later he turned around and claimed that President Obama is lying about everything, “Who’s been fired over the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS? No one that I’m aware of. Who’s gone to jail for violating the law? When is the administration going to tell the American people the truth? They’ve not told the truth about Benghazi. They’ve not told the truth about the IRS. They’ve not told the truth about Fast and Furious. Now, only one would have to guess. If they’re not willing to tell the American people the truth, it must not be pretty.”

So much for House Republicans holding a fair and open minded investigation that is interested in the truth. The point of these “investigations” is to drum up a case for impeachment. If Republicans can smear the Obama administration with a scandal, they think they can derail Hillary Clinton’s run in 2016. Boehner threatened the president with impeachment in January over his use of executive orders.

Speaker Boehner has already determined that the Obama administration is lying and breaking the law without an investigation. If Republicans can trump up something that they can call an impeachable offense, don’t expect John Boehner to be stand in the way, and be the voice of reason. Boehner sounds just like Rep. Darrell Issa now, and the Benghazi impeachment circus is getting ready to come to town.

Jason Easley
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