House Republican Marsh Blackburn is trying to convince the world that the ACA is a big conspiracy and that Obama has nominated Sylvia Burwell to head up HHS so that she can spin the numbers.
BOB SCHIEFFER: And back at our capitol, a lot of the same old same old. Republicans and Democrats fighting over equal pay for women and there was talk about the resignation of health and human services secretary Kathleen Sebelius. We’re going to talk about that now first with Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn. She’s in Nashville this morning. Congresswoman, thank you for joining us this morning. While you were in New Hampshire yesterday with a lot of the Republicans who are thinking about running for president, was there any consensus among them about what the resignation of Katherine Sebelius means? And is it going to quiet the controversy over Obamacare?
REP. MARSHA BLACKBURN: No, it’s not going to quiet the controversy, Bob. I think it’s quite the opposite. What it has done is to elevate some of the concerns. Burwell is an interesting choice. And I think there are many of us and probably a bit of a growing consensus that they know they’ve got a math problem with Obamacare. And the numbers are not going to work out so that the program is actuarially sound. And they’re going to have to have somebody to kind of spin the numbers. And this is something with Burwell coming from O.M.B., I think they’re expecting her to be able to do for them. How many of these seven million people have paid? How many actually signed up and paid and completed the process? How many got subsidies? How many are on Medicaid? How many are young? You know, if those numbers don’t work out exactly right, they’ve got a big funding issue on their hands.
BOB SCHIEFFER: Well, will Republicans still run on repeal and replace? Or will they offer something different? Or will they try to fix this system that we now have?
REP. MARSHA BLACKBURN: I think what you’re going to see is a continue to repeal it and replace it. Now we know we’re not going to get it off the books until this president is out of office…
Obamacare doesn’t have a math problem, but Rep. Blackburn may have a meth problem if she really believes that Burwell is being brought in from OMB as a numbers expert who can cook the books on the ACA. Blackburn was trying to poison the well, because Republicans are going to need some excuse to be able invalidate the numbers as the ACA enrollment numbers continue to grow.
Rep. Blackburn’s theory is insane. It is also more evidence of the lengths that Republicans are willing to go to in order to deny reality. Republicans will never accept that the ACA is working. It is impossible for them to comprehend that people want access to affordable healthcare. Blackburn is never going to accept that enough young people signed up, or that people are paying their premiums.
This is where we are now. Republicans who are incapable of handling the fact of their defeat, and going to slip back into their bubble. They are going to try to explain to everyone that the success of the ACA is figment of our imaginations. Republicans know, they just know, that Obamacare is really failing.
However, the ACA isn’t failing, and the Republican Party’s refusal to accept reality is pushing it closer to the brink of oblivion.
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