A group of right wingers have dreamed up some allegations of racism against Stephen Colbert, and are demanding that his Comedy Central show be canceled.
Colbert was using humor to show how Redskins owner Daniel Snyder is trying to buy off Native Americans who are trying to get the team to change their name by creating a foundation. Colbert used his character Ching-Chong Ding-Dong to lampoon the racism and behavior that the right use so often.
Of course, the right responded by doing what it does best. They took everything out of context, and demanded that The Colbert Report be canceled.
The forces of evil which are trying to destroy an outstanding real American like Stephen Colbert are being led by outrage troll Michele Malkin.
Malkin tweeted:
Co-sign! RT @suey_park I'm sick of liberals hiding behind assumed "progressiveness" #CancelColbert
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 28, 2014
The right is trying their standard outrage technique (remove all context, get outraged, and demand action) that they have used to smear President Obama for years, but this time they are suffering ridiculously disastrous results.
Colbert and Comedy Central are handling this perfectly. By taking their faux outrage seriously, one gives credibility to Malkin and the right's position. Those of us who don't reside in Rightwingnutistan understand that you are still upset that your beloved homophobes on Duck Dynasty have their ratings crash and burn. We know that you are still mad about Rush Limbaugh losing millions to highly successful boycott and that your support Chick-Fil-A campaign sputtered out after a couple of days.
The reason why Republicans keep losing elections is the same reason why they can't run a successful boycott of anything. The majority of America doesn't support them, when the right goes off on one of their nutter jihads, the rest of the country points and laughs.
Stephen Colbert was mocking the right for the very thing that they are currently accusing him of. The cancel Colbert movement is yet another deranged attempt by the right to paint liberals and Democrats as racists.
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