GOP Communications Guru Says Really Stupid Things About the Pay Gap for Women

This explains a lot. While National Republican Senatorial Committee Communications Director Brad Dayspring has a past littered with reasons why this is not the best job for him, today he’s really taken it to the next level.

Friday morning, Mr. Dayspring, Grand Communicator for the GOP that is trying to win those lady votes, huffed with the confidence born of privileged ignorance that Democrats can’t run on equal pay because there’s already a law on the books for equal pay.

See here:

Who’s going to tell this fool? Sigh. When (DEMOCRATIC) President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law in 1963, women were earning an average of .59 cents on the dollar compared to men. Today women earn about .77 cents on the dollar compared to men.

Allow me to translate this into language Mr. Dayspring might understand: We do not consider ourselves 77% of a person, Mr. Dayspring. FOR REALZ.

But we understand that Mr. Dayspring is handicapped by his own issues with women. This is the guy who called Alison Grimes an “empty dress” who “babbles”. But totes loves women. Snort.

Maybe he needs to check his own party’s offices, because right there in the Texas Republican candidate for Governor’s office, there are many women being paid less for the same work as men. This man is the current Attorney General for Texas. So even in Republican fairy land where a law means it never happens, it is happening right in the guy’s office who is charged with upholding the law. Irony much, Mr. Dayspring?

Of course that man, Republican AG Greg Abbott, expressed the same confusion when he announced to the world that there were four laws protecting women so there is no need for another one. This prompted state Senator and Democratic candidate for governor Wendy Davis to ask which of those four laws he broke in his office of the Attorney General (you can’t make this stuff up).


The responses to Mr Dayspring’s ignorance explain who is voting for the Cretin Party:

• Brent Boydston ‏@baboydston 3h
@BDayspring on the equal payi ssue…does this mean it would also apply to Dems?

• Keith Appell ‏@keithcrc 3h
@BDayspring @CNN If Dems want to talk equal pay, good place to start would be FEDERAL workforce …

• Low Info Buffalo ‏@DeadBuffaloBlog 2h
@BDayspring @instapundit Didn’t Barry campaign on the back of, what’s her name, Lilly Leadbelly?

Regarding the CNS article, Obama doesn’t set the wages of federal workers. Really.

Congress controls spending. Obama did use his pen to direct a minimum wage for federal workers under purview of the executive branch. This is as much as he can do. He’s not allowed to run around spending money. Only Congress can do that. So these clowns using this as their big “GOTCHA!” are actually faceplanting on their own ignorance and they don’t even know it.

Did “Barry” campaign on the back of “Lilly Leadbelly”? HA HA HA. Good one. Well, clueless, yes Barry did campaign on the Lilly Ledbetter Act and he also SIGNED IT FIRST THING WHEN HE GOT INTO OFFICE. It was the very first bill he signed into law.

Since this happened in 2009, there’s not really any excuse for not knowing it. The Lilly Ledbetter Act doesn’t guarantee equal pay. It makes it easier for women to seek legal remedy if they are being discriminated against.

President Obama and the Democrats have also been pushing the Paycheck Fairness Act that is being blocked by Republicans. This act would offer more transparency on the issue of equal pay. Why is this needed? Oh, I dunno. See Greg Abbott’s office, and mind that it’s much easier to find out what government employees are making than it is to find out in the private sector.

How would a woman know what her male colleagues are being paid unless they told her? And how many of them are going to do that? (Here’s an idea for you awesome men out there — start a revolution by telling your female co-workers what you’re being paid! Total white hat crusade.)

Republicans are trying to say there is no pay inequity so bugger off ladies. But NPR reports, “The number of pregnancy and maternity discrimination charges filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has steadily increased since the late 1990s.”

Here’s the part for Mr. Dayspring. Yes it’s against the law and yes it is still happening:

“I think what’s interesting is that it’s against the law, I assume everybody knows it, yet it still occurs. And it occurs in a very overt fashion,” says David Lopez, the agency’s general counsel. “That means that employers often leave trails of emails saying, in effect, ‘We don’t want her because she’s a mother.’ “

Even their own candidates prove Mr. Dayspring wrong. As does reality and stuff.

My question is this: If Republicans are so sure that women are being paid equally, why aren’t women being paid equally? And if they are so sure this is already in place, what do they have against allowing a woman to sue should she stumble over information that she is in fact not being paid equally?

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Sarah Jones

Listen to Sarah on the PoliticusUSA Pod on The Daily newsletter podcast here. Sarah has been credentialed to cover President Barack Obama, then VP Joe Biden, 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and exclusively interviewed Speaker Nancy Pelosi multiple times and exclusively covered her first home appearance after the first impeachment of then President Donald Trump. Sarah is two-time Telly award winning video producer and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists. Connect with Sarah on Post,  Mastodon @PoliticusSarah@Journa.Host, & Twitter.

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