Obamacare Smashes Its Goal Of 6 Million Signups Days Ahead of Deadline


The Republican predictions of gloom and doom for the ACA have officially been proven wrong as HHS has announced that Obamacare has already hit its goal of six million enrollees.

According the HHS blog:

As this historic open enrollment period enters its final days, more than 6 million Americans have signed up for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplaces since October 1, thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

Consumers like these are coming in near record numbers to check out their options for affordable health coverage at HealthCare.gov or seeking help from a trained assister in person or via our 24/7 call center. We are seeing near record numbers of consumers coming to check out their options and enroll in coverage. Yesterday alone, we had 1.5 million visits to HealthCare.gov and took more than 430,000 calls at our 24/7 call center.

The shattering of the ACA’s enrollment goal along with a new Kaiser Health Tracking poll are a double whammy of bad news for the GOP. According to the Health Tracking Poll, many Americans are tired of hearing about Obamacare, “While personal conversations may be on the rise, many Americans appear to be weary of the national debate about the law. Just over half the public (53 percent) say they’re tired of hearing about the debate over the ACA and want the country to focus more on other issues, while about four in ten (42 percent) say they think it’s important for the country to continue the debate. Democrats and those with a favorable view of the law are more likely to say they’re tired of hearing about the debate, while Republicans and those who view the law unfavorably are more evenly split between those who are tired of hearing about it and those who want the debate to continue.”

Republicans are preparing to bombard voters will millions of dollars worth of ads about a subject that they are sick of hearing about. At the same time, the GOP’s deadly predictions that Obamacare would kill you, your family, and the nation as a whole are being disproven every single day.

What Republicans are putting together is a textbook recipe for how to lose an election. Take one part ignoring all of the concerns that voters have, add two parts of a promise to harm millions of people, and add 100 parts annoying political ads about something that people don’t want to hear any more about, mix it together, bake at 450 degrees until the first Tuesday in November, and the result is Democrats maintaining control of the United States Senate.

The advantage that Republicans thought they had on Obamacare is evaporating. Obamacare fatigue is setting in. People are sick of the repeal voters, endless ads, and single-minded Republican obsession with the healthcare law.

The battle is over. Democrats have won. The enrollment goal has been met with days to spare. President Obama has been proven correct. People do want access to affordable healthcare. Republicans gambled everything on stopping Obamacare, and they lost. With the ACA gaining in popularity, Republicans don’t have a leg to stand on.

Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and the Democrats, the ACA triumphed over endless Republican opposition. This is a historic day, and a giant step forward towards the goal of universal health insurance coverage for all Americans.

Jason Easley
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