Wooing the Ladies: Mitch McConnell Fundraiser Thinks Wives Are Obligated to Have Sex

mitch mcconnell

Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has some pallin’-around-with-a-misogynistic-dinosaur problems, according to a report from Alexandra Jaffe at The Hill.

Jaffe writes that the Republican Senator will be having a Wednesday fundraiser co-hosted by a conservative talk radio host who tells women to have sex with their husbands no matter their mood. Naturally this same man thinks feminism has destroyed women, and he has warned them that they only have a few good years to snag The Most Important Thing Eva, a Man. He has written things like this, “most women are not programmed to prefer a great career to a great man.”

This is exactly what Mitch McConnell needed to do in order to prove that the War on Women is imaginary, eh? GOOD GOING TEAM MITCH. (I gotta ask, is the McConnell campaign deliberately trying to sabotage the Republican Senator?)

The invite for the March 19 event in California lists conservative talk radio host Dennis Prager as a co-host of the $15,200/$30,400 luncheon/fundraiser, via Political Party Time:

Luncheon Fundraiser for McConnell Victory Kentucky

Jaffe directs the reader to a few of Prager’s op-eds for conservative publications like TownHall.com and National Review. In the National Review, he argued against sexual “hookups” (psst, Team Mitch, this is probably not a winning strategy for a candidate — see Cuccinelli and his desire to ban oral sex), fearing as he does that a “promiscuous” woman gives herself depression and destroys marital sex once she lands that All Important Man.

While arguing why careers shouldn’t matter to women, the Precious Mind of Prager tells us that women are like fish, “But most women are not programmed to prefer a great career to a great man and a family. They feel they were sold a bill of goods at college and by the media. And they were. It turns out that most women without a man do worse in life than fish without bicycles.”

That there is a butchered analogy. The original quote was from Gloria Steinem, who said, “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.” It means women do not need men, just like fish do not need a bicycle. Naturally this idea destroys Prager’s only in, so he can’t believe it’s true.

In McConnell/Prager world, women are programmed to be dependent on a man, to whom they get to owe sex. Every girl’s dream.

Yes, Prager made that argument in a TownHall article entitled “When a Woman Isn’t In The Mood, Part II”, as Jaffe pointed out. Prager tells us that women ought to have sex with their husbands even when they aren’t in the mood, though he kindly gives a pass for illness. But ladies, do not “deny” your husband sex because of your mood. Prager compares women saying no to a man not going to work because of his mood. I am sure he didn’t intend to made sex equal to work in this scenario. Or maybe he did.

He writes, “Why would a loving, wise woman allow mood to determine whether or not she will give her husband one of the most important expressions of love she can show him? What else in life, of such significance, do we allow to be governed by mood?”

It’s always concerning to hear a man like Prager obsess over why he believes that women should have no right to turn him down for sex. I want to gently remind Prager about the free market, and how a man who is being rejected a lot might want to work on his product instead of trying to guilt a woman into having no freedom.

But one gets the sense that Prager can’t function well in the free market of sexual attraction.

At any rate, this clearly fearful, controlling person is co-hosting a fundraiser for the Senate Minority Leader. Team McConnell is foolishly not worried, and tried to hang their hat on McConnell’s record for caring about women.

I’m not sure if they meant his voting no on the Violence Against Women Act — calling it a “distraction”, or his vote against Equal Pay — calling it a “special interest vote”, or his votes against raising the minimum wage when over 250,000 Kentucky women would benefit from an increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Maybe he was referring to his colleague, Senator Ted Cruz, leading the entire Republican Party in shutting down the government, which resulted in the closure of rape centers around the country due to lack of funding and obstructed rape investigations.

Which one of these votes is “standing for Kentucky women?”

Maybe when Mitch McConnell says he’s standing for Kentucky women, we need to take it in context with the company he keeps. I shudder to imagine what this means. One thing is certain, though. We can understand why the Republican feels the need to call the police on reporters who might ask a question.

Sarah Jones
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