Who do you think you’re fooling, Mitch McConnell?
It didn’t take long for the Alison Lundergan Grimes (D-KY) campaign to respond to Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) lackluster attempt to gin up conservative love at CPAC by name dropping the middle class today. Given his actual voting record, they are not impressed.
McConnell waved a rifle around in the air and mocked Obama for not knowing the Constitution (this only works among the low-informed voters at CPAC), but he still couldn’t get much love. He even tried to claim that he cared about the “little guy” whereas Democrats do not. He said, “They’ve done next to nothing for the little guy.” McConnell claimed that Obama and the Democrats “literally” failed working families, “President Obama and the Democratic Senate have literally failed working families.”
McConnell said this after he voted against raising the minimum wage 16 times, while he is worth an estimated $27.2 million. According to a 2010 report by the Washington Post, McConnell’s estimated wealth went up “786%” from 2004 to 2010, yet he voted no on veteran benefits. He gave himself a raise, but blocked the auto rescue with 86,000 jobs on the line in his state… These facts don’t sit well with rational people.
Grimes spokeswoman Charly Norton was not about to let him get away with it, either. She released as statement taking McConnell to task for name dropping the middle class while failing to do anything for them:
“If you’re worth over $25 million by voting to raise your own pay while opposing the minimum wage, the only thing you have left to connect with ‘the little guy’ is to namedrop ‘the middle class’ and hope no one notices. McConnell’s ‘lukewarm’ speech today only served to highlight how much his 30-year anti-middle class record is coming back to haunt him in this election. Kentucky voters know the truth: time and again, the senior Senator has failed the people of the Commonwealth, voting against job creation measures and opposing the minimum wage over 15 times.”
Senator McConnell spent his day waving an NRA gun around in hopes of turning on the conservative base, while he name dropped the same middle class to whom he’s been giving the cold shoulder for 30 years. This is not a good image.
McConnell better get his act together and fast if he is going to hold up against his Tea Party primary challenger Matt Bevin, let alone the fiercely protective of the actual middle class Alison Grimes. Mitch just doesn’t seem up to it.
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