The RNC’s boycott of MSNBC lasted all of nine hours as Reince Preibus quickly caved announced that MSNBC has been placed on “probation’ by the GOP.
After the standard Hannity hatchet job on MSNBC, Preibus announced that the Republican Party was putting MSNBC on probation.
HANNITY: Especially on the issue of the race card, if anybody disagrees with President Obama, he pretty much will label them a racist. That is standard operating procedure there.
PRIEBUS: Yes, it is pretty disgusting stuff. And maybe you’re right. Maybe it took too long. I understand, and quite frankly I’ve been a part of many of these comments, but nothing like what you just played. And, you know, I can take it. That is what you get when you’re chairman of the party. But some of these things that are done about families and people’s appearance and gender, race, blanket statements about people on the right side of our party, I’m just not going to stand up as chairman of the party and take it.
So, look, this was a first step. It was the first time I talked to Mr. Griffin. He reacted pretty quickly. And now we have to stay on top of it. So you know what? It is sort of like being on probation, I guess.
But the fact of the matter is, we’re here, we’re watching them, and it is our responsibility and mine in particular, I think, also to stand up for our party. And so that is what I did today. And I’ll do it again. So I promise you that.
The Republican Party is taking a strong stand with MSNBC alright. They launched a boycott that lasted all of nine hours. This is why nobody should take any threat that the RNC or the Republican Party makes seriously.
Preibus just wanted some attention from MSNBC boss Phil Griffin. Preibus has no real power to control anything in the Republican Party. The RNC is a trainwreck, so the way he gets to feel like a big man is by making the boss at MSNBC pick up the phone and give him a call.
Yesterday, Prebius labeled Republican Americans a protected class of people who are immune from criticism by the media. Now Prebius thinks that he has the power to put cable news networks on probation.
Seriously. What the f**k is Republican probation? Preibus is now making things up so that he can sound the all powerful boss who showed MSNBC what’s what.
What really happened is that Reince quickly realized that his boycott MSNBC movement wasn’t catching fire, so instead of suffering another humiliation, he came up with the absurd idea of probation.
Another fantastic idea by the Republican Party brain trust has crashed and burned, but look out MSNBC. You’re on probation.
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