Chris Christie Is So Doomed That Republicans Are Invoking Benghazi to Save Him

Chris Christie Is So Doomed That Republicans Are Invoking Benghazi to Save Him


Chris Christie is in such big trouble that the only thing Republicans like RNC Chair Reince Priebus can do is compare Christie to Benghazi to try and save him.


On Meet The Press, Priebus said, “America’s a forgiving people, but their forgiving when you take ownership, you admit mistakes, you take corrective action, and that’s what Chris Christie showed. He stood there with an open dialogue with the press. Now only if Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would give us 111 seconds of that would we find out some things about we wanna find out about Obamacare, Benghazi, the IRS. I mean Chris Christie’s been totally open.”

Make no mistake about it, this was an attempt by Priebus to sell Christie as more of a leader than Obama because he faked taking responsibility while claiming that he knew nothing, and firing his staff. This was an act of utter desperation by the RNC Chair. The fact is that the Republican establishment has put all of their eggs in the Chris Christie basket.

The reason why Priebus gutted and changed the Republican nominating process for 2016 was to give Chris Christie the best chance possible of locking up the GOP nomination early. Establishment Republicans are betting everything on Christie. That is why there is so little talk of other establishment Republicans running. The RNC plans on Chris Christie carrying their banner against Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and other potential far right candidates in 2016.

Christie is in deep, so Republicans are trying to change the subject back to the widely debunked conspiracy theories surrounding the IRS and Benghazi. Obamacare is apparently also an evil conspiracy too. If the Republican ammo against Hillary Clinton in 2016 consists of Benghazi and Obamacare, they are in even bigger trouble than anyone could have imagined.

The big takeaway here is that Chris Christie is so doomed that the Republicans are invoking Benghazi and the IRS to save him. What Reince Preibus proved is that Chris Christie is so badly damaged that he might be unelectable in 2016.

Jason Easley
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