The Thanksgiving holiday has officially kicked off, as President Obama pardoned Popcorn who was the winner of the online turkey pardon vote.
President Obama wished everybody a Happy Thanksgiving, and said that the office of the president carries a lot of solemn responsibilites but this is not one of them. Popcorn won the online competition to be pardoned, and Obama joked that even a turkey with a funny name can find his way into politics. Obama even managed to work a Hunger Games joke into his remarks.
The history of the presidential turkey pardon is an interesting one, because it evolved over time. The tale of President Lincoln and a Thanksgiving turkey is a bit of interesting folklore. The story goes that President Lincoln’s son Tad became attached to a Christmas turkey in 1863. Instead of eating the turkey, it was kept as a pet, which Tad named Jack. There is no evidence to confirm the truth of this story, and even if it is true, Lincoln didn’t pardon the turkey, he decided to let his son keep it. However, like many of the stories about Lincoln it may be true, or it might not. It is another story about the humanity of one of our mythic presidents.
It took until 1989 when George H.W. Bush aimed the family’s “compassionate conservatism” at poultry by beginning the official presidential turkey pardon tradition. At the time, President Bush declared, “This fine tom turkey has been granted a presidential pardon as of right now.” (The most lasting legacy of George H.W. Bush’s presidency may turn out to be the presidential turkey pardon.)
Bill Clinton delivered one of the most famous turkey pardon statements in 1993. The then president said, “So many of my predecessors have participated in this—[inaudible]. I actually didn’t mind it. I think it’s kind of funny, and it’s an annual ritual. As I said, it’s a little easier for me because I’ve been around turkeys all my life. I didn’t mean it like that—[laughter]— and I come from a State that grows a lot of turkeys. We also have a huge wild turkey population at home, too, so it’s not as alien an experience for me as it would be for some people.”
The presidential turkey pardon grew out of the National Turkey Federation’s presentation of turkey to the president for his Thanksgiving dinner. (Think of this as an early attempt at an eat more turkey publicity campaign). President’s stopped eating the turkey in the last few decades, but this is a fun and goofy thing that the president gets to do.
It also has become the defacto kickoff of the Thanksgiving holiday. The president was in a light mood, and looked ready for a holiday. As we all prepare to feast tomorrow, let’s take a moment to remember the troops who are going to be thousands of miles away from home and family, and those Americans who won’t be having a Happy Thanksgiving because they don’t have enough to eat.
Be safe, and Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
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