Pelosi Urges Congress to Act On MLK’s Agenda By Making the Minimum Wage a Living Wage

nancy pelosi

With the National Mall buzzing with attendees and the Lincoln Memorial the backdrop for stirring speeches, Democrats are really thumbing their noses at the Republican fear machine today at the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.

Attorney General Eric Holder let loose with a battle cry for voting rights and Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) took the torch for workers rights, urging Congress to act on Martin Luther King’s agenda by making the minimum wage a living wage.

The Commie Socialists have taken over for realz now. Watch an excerpt from Pelosi’s speech here via MSNBC:

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The Democratic minority leader of the House stoked up the crowd with her speech. Pelosi urged Congress to act on MLK’s agenda by saying, “He would want us to celebrate him, his birth and his legacy by acting upon his agenda. By realizing the dream. By making the minimum wage a living wage. By having not just family and medical leave, but having paid sick leave for our workers. By having quality affordable childcare so that our families, the power of women can be unleashed in our economy and our society.”

Democrats are on the warpath, pressing their advantage with hard sells of the Democratic agenda. Instead of apologizing for the liberal agenda, Democrats are embracing it, owning it, claiming it and framing it properly so that they can demand why everyone isn’t on board with it. Kentucky’s Democratic Governor Steve Beshear owned the ObamaCare fight in public, socking it to a rather stunned Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul.

Republicans are right to worry about 2014, because it does not look like it’s going to be a repeat of 2010. In 2010, Democrats were demoralized by the perpetually hating on Obama fringe. It’s 2013 now, and Democrats are well aware that President Obama is not Superman, and is far from perfect. (Newsflash: They never thought he was perfect. Seriously.)

They also know that the President and his party are fighting hard for equal rights, at a time when Republicans have made it clear that they stand for stealing liberty from minorities, women, and gay people.

It’s called energizing and mobilizing your opponent’s base. And this is just the beginning of the trickle down results of short-sighted Republican strategy.

Sarah Jones
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