Ann Romney Melts Down and Tells the GOP They are Lucky To Have Mitt

Last updated on February 8th, 2013 at 11:39 am

In a full blown meltdown, Ann Romney lashed out the Republican Party and told them that they were lucky to have her husband as their nominee.

In an interview with Radio Iowa, Ann Romney took a blowtorch and burned all the Romney bridges with GOP.

Mrs. Romney explained how “hard” campaigning was for her, “If you love someone, you see them maligned, attacked, all these things that happen in a campaign, you get very defensive.”

In other words, stop maligning Mitt Romney with his own words! Also, Mitt may call you victims, but you may not repeat what Mitt said. Got it?

Speaking of 2008, Ann spoke of how she “suffered” so very, very much and never wanted to do it again. She even made a video about how much she didn’t want to do it. And yet, she is not letting this affect her. And they are “going forward” with his campaign.

Ann Romney then launched into an attack on the Republican Party, “Stop it. This is hard. You want to try it? Get in the ring. This is hard and, you know, it’s an important thing that we’re doing right now and it’s an important election and it is time for all Americans to realize how significant this election is and how lucky we are to have someone with Mitt’s qualifications and experience and know-how to be able to have the opportunity to run this country.”

This is now total inter party warfare between the GOP and the Romneys. Ann Romney provided proof that the pressure has gotten to the Romney campaign, and they are cracking up. Let’s look at the lay of the land. Mitt Romney followed up his Libya debacle by calling half of America victims. Ann Romney then decided to tell her own party that it really hard to run for president.

What Ann Romney doesn’t seem to get is the Republicans that she derisively labeled as the “chattering class” are Republicans who have participated in winning presidential campaigns. People like Peggy Noonan and Mark McKinnon know what they are talking about, so when they tell Mitt and Ann Romney they are blowing it, it would be wise to listen up.

That’s the thing that this campaign has revealed about the Romneys. They aren’t wise. They are ambitious, reckless, narrow minded, out of touch, selfish, entitled, arrogant, uncaring, and a million other adjectives, but their biggest problem is that they aren’t smart.

Ann and Mitt Romney are living proof that money can’t buy intelligence. To the Romneys, the Republican Party is nothing but the help. Republicans need to keep their mouths shut and elect Mitt so that he can run the country.

Notice, Ann Romney didn’t say that her husband would serve the country. You people serve the Romneys. The Romney don’t serve anyone.

The Republican Party is lucky to have a nominee whose campaign is so incompetent that it may cost them a chance to retake the Senate, and their House majority.

It’s not like any other Republican could have stepped up to the plate and served as President Obama’s weak kneed punching bag for the last four months.

The Romney campaign is melting down before our very eyes, and Ann Romney’s channeling of Leona Helmsley is the cherry on top.

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