As Romney Spirals Out of Control Republicans Jump Ship to Obama

Last updated on February 8th, 2013 at 06:28 pm

I have a sneaky suspicion that John Boehner will be heading to the bar more often and crying in his scotch. I just found and became a fan of Republicans for Obama. I couldn’t believe it. At first I thought it was one of those hate groups, but the members posting on Facebook sharing their stories are quite, dare I say it? Liberal! Here is their statement:

Why Obama

The Republican party isn’t what it used to be. Our leaders and our most vocal activists have written moderates out of the party and have refused to work with the other side, to the detriment of the nation. Center-right presidents such as Reagan, Bush Sr., Ford, Nixon and Eisenhower would have no chance being nominated today.

Unfortunately, Mitt Romney has not proven to be able to stand up to our party’s most extreme elements. Instead, he has fallen for the “one-size-fits-all” mentality that tax cuts for the already-wealthy will solve all of our problems, and has no workable plans to solve the challenges we face.

President Obama has shown himself to be a common-sense centrist. He has cut taxes when necessary, has taken steps to protect the environment, and has aggressively pursued Islamic extremists who threaten America. Most notably, he has reformed our healthcare system by signing a Republican-inspired healthcare plan into law. In most other points in our party’s history, Obama would fit in well as a Republican.

But what Republicans would support Obama or at least follow Obama’s plan? Eisenhower Republicans, Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln Republicans. These progressive Republicans are finally coming out of their platform and will be voting and are endorsing President Barack Obama. So how can that help the Democratic Party?

These Republicans are registered Republicans. They probably live in parts of the country that aren’t disenfranchising the voter role. And their vote would only add to the Obama vote. The teabag party are probably upset.

Their comment:

President Obama has shown himself to be a common-sense centrist. He has cut taxes when necessary, has taken steps to protect the environment

Every Republican president through Ford kept the top-tax tier rate from 74% to 91%. Ford, Nixon, Eisenhower knew the importance of taxes, and yes, these conservatives managed to balance the budget too while building or maintaining the infrastructure and keeping the U.S. in debt…debt is not a bad thing.

Yet to see this

What did you think about the President’s DNC speech?
Amazing. Can’t wait for another four years!

So-so. He didn’t wow me.

Not good. Maybe he doesn’t have it in him anymore.

Total votes: 1119

Is amazing because out of 1119 potential voters, more than 960 potential Republicans will vote…and maybe a second time for Obama. Why? Because these people are sick and tired of what happened to their party. Gee, I wonder how many Log Cabin members there are in this group?

Tim From LA

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