Last updated on February 8th, 2013 at 05:14 pm
A new poll conducted by the Associated Press found that,
Americans overwhelmingly want the president and Congress to get to work on a new bill to change the health care system if the Supreme Court strikes down President Barack Obama’s 2010 overhaul as unconstitutional.
The Associated Press-GfK poll shows that more than three-fourths of Americans do not want their political leaders to leave the health care system alone in the event the court throws out the health care law.
Only 19% of poll participants do not want anything to change. So, the Democrats tried it the Republican/Romney way, with the mandate. Remember even Newt Gingrich and the Heritage Foundation wanted to implement the mandate until Democrats agreed to put it into law.
Now, if the court strikes down the Republican mandate, the Senate Democrats better grow a pair and work with the President to implement healthcare reform their way, Medicare for all.
Tell the American people, We, in the Democratic party, took the Republican idea of the health insurance mandate and it was found unconstitutional and people didn’t like it anyways. Now we are going to fight to implement something that has a very high approval rating, Medicare and make it available to everyone.
The Democrats need to get the big three auto companies to side with the them. The big three pushed for a stronger single payer system in Canada, make them push for it here.
Make the Republican House succumb to the pressure of public opinion. Medicare is very popular with our elderly and it would gain tremendous support by the business community as well as the America citizens.
This is an huge opportunity for Democrats to bring real progressive change to our country, but they need to know we support them. They also need to grow a spine for once and take the fight to the Republicans in the House and make them vote against Medicare!
Bring this idea before the American people before November, and tell them that in order to get this done, we need a progressive, Democratic House and Senate, along with President Obama.
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